WTB:Apple Iphone 3G (8GB) Unlocked version ?

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Hello all,
I am back on TE after a very long period. (3-4 months). Since i have been bz with company trips, i could not find any time to surf TE. And yesterday when opened TE after a long time, i was surprised to see the new interface and new features. A lot has changed.... it feels good to be back :hap2:.

Anyways...coming to the point. I am thinking of buying the Apple IPhone 3G (Preferably 8GB version) unlocked version (so that it can work with all networks ). I want to buy it from the grey market of course. I read some threads in TE where some members have claimed to get it in 13K only from Heera Panna :S :cool2: My budget is at the max 15K and not a penny more.But when i called up one of the shops at Heera Panna, they said they were only having the 16GB version and they were selling it for a whopping 36K :O :crazy: :dead: .

So guys i wanna know whether there is anybody in TE who is selling the Iphone 3G unlocked version in good condition of course or any place in the grey market where i can get it in the above quoted price or may be even less than that. If any TE member is interested in selling please PM me.

People from Mumbai will be preferred.
Also i would be very thankful if anybody who is already having or owning the iphone 3G unlocked version can share his experience and the pros and cons of the Phone.

Question :I also want to know whether the unlocked version of the iphone 3g will work in USA?

PS: I hope i have not broken any new rules or missed out anything or posted this in the wrong section :aww: . because if i have i humbly apologize.
Hey......Balkazzaar...........I recently put up my 15 day old iphone 3G 8GB for sale for 22k..........within minutes I got 5 PMs........and after 1/2 an hour I got a PM that really surprised me........a buyer offered 24k for it and also paid 500 bucks for shipping it to him, costing him 24.5k.

Yea my phone was software unlockable.

Let me tell you the reason for the price of iphone 3g to increase......the latest firmware 2.2.1 comes with the baseband 2.30.03 which cannot be unlocked using software. Hence the older phones value has increased dramatically...........the same happened during 2G times when phones with newer firmware were not unlockable.

It used to cost 399$ in the US.........and in India was selling for around 21-22k ...........during the time when an unlock was not available.......the phones with the previous version that had a software unlock went to 29-30k for the 8GB version.

So you see its a clear case of demand and supply...........and recently the Dev team has also claimed........'Apple has really tightened the screws this time and it might take a very very long time before we have an unlock"
Buddy, trust me, either that person wld be lying or must be out of his mind. Noone would sell it for 13k atleast.

Dont take this otherwise but either u sld expand ur budget by couple of thousands, or go for iPhone 2g.

When people are ready to buy it for 20k, I wonder why would anyone even think of selling it for 13k.
Ps. I would buy 2 if I find sm1 selling it for 13-15k.
techstylist said:
try heera panna, shop name sound out, i think its shoop no. is 46 or 47..

i called sound out today and they said they were selling it for 36k....thats wot i wrote b4...just 4got 2 specify shop name...
^^I dont think thats possible unless there is a major fault in the phone! Even the iPhone 2Gs sell easily for 14-15k!!
yep people are right. Forget about it for 15k. Atleast a normal undamaged one
i dont know why ppl buy iphone?? try nokia e series or n series they are worth
i had sold my iphone 2g for 16k 2 years back
rahul2003 said:
i dont know why ppl buy iphone?? try nokia e series or n series they are worth
i had sold my iphone 2g for 16k 2 years back

Freedom to customise. Thats what the iphone is about. Do what you want with it & Take your music with you.

The Killer feature? Ease of use & No "Fixed" Menu.
your hope is to hold a while longer. Once the new iphone is out sometime in june then theres a chance the current 3G's will start being sold for the second hand rates that you're looking for but even so i doubt you'd get it for 15k.

Prolly then they would come down to 18k or so
They do sell, but ATM demand supply curve is very very skewed. Most 3G's cannot be unlocked and 2G's not available.

BTW My advice would be NOT to buy a 2G. But a 16gb 2G should be around 16, 8GB for 13-14. At this moment not much you do except wait and pray for the dev-team.
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