WTB/FT: 512 or 256MB DDR400

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G@d of w@r

as per the title.. i want to run my ram config in dual channel.
i have current ram config as of now (Single Channel)
1. 1x512MB DDR400
2. 2x256MB DDR400
total of 1gig
i cant run in dual channel so i need identical modules like
1.2x512 mb DDR 400 - can trade my 256x2 for 1x512MB
2.4x256 MB DDR 400 - can trade my 512 for 2x256MB

i posted so that TE users having similar problems like me can adjust with me and can run his comp in dual channel..

also i want to buy DDR400-512 mb or DDR400-256x2 if nobody willing to trade.

i have Hynix Ram. so any DDR400 will do.. :clap:

i have 1 x 512ddr400 hynix. let me know if u want. its as good as new. never used. just sitting inside the pc without a hdd.
if its lying unused inside ur pc, why dont we trade , u give me ur 512 and ill give u my 256x2 and ill pay some extra money as ur saying ur 512 is new.
if u dont agree for trade, pm me ur offering
sell them.....there are lot of guys who are looking for 256 and 512.....i have personally sold 3 512 chips in the last 3 weeks
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