XP-90 For Sale!!

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This has been used for about 2.5 weeks and is in perfect condition. The XP-90 is one of the most respected aircoolers out, beating almost all other except for its heavy brother the XP-90C which has 2-3c lower in temps.

The XP-90 comes with everything it usually does


-90mm and 80mm mounting fan pins

-AMD Adapter


Ill also throw in a Tube of AS5 that still has a lot in it :eek:hyeah:

I also have the XP-90's pefect companion. A 90mm Tri-Blade Delta fan which can push an incredible 78.8CFM! Together theyll make a great combo! (if you buy them together ill give a rs250 discount!) :eek:hyeah:

Ill be selling this monster for 2,400 shipped! Will ship the same day I get the money!

Let me know if your interested and feel free to ask any questions...

Cheers! :cheers:
Reserve this thing for quad master. That fellow will be jumping in joy when he sees this ;). He's been looking for an xp-90 since the last six months.
@Chaos - I just told one of my friend and he has already purchased it for me from
Sidewinder Computers.

@kev - My friend told me that he has purchased XP90 + TT Smart Blue Led 92mm Fan
Will Reconfirm it with him and let u know for sure.

Also wanted to ask is 2400 for XP90+delta fan+as5 tube.
As XP90 retails for $29.95 at Sidewindercomputers
Link:- http://www.sidewindercomputers.com/thxpforforin.html
Edit Added Later:- Just received a confirmation from my friend that he
has got the XP90 + TT SB Led 92mm for me.

Kev u will suerly find more ppl for XP90 here.
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BTW, prices on the XP-90 and Delta fan has changed!

Normaly: 3400

- discount

-Lower in price

Together: !!rs2800

Thats AS5 - XP-90 - And a 78.8 CFM 90MM fan! all for 2800
Hi Kev182,

It would be better if you consolidate all ur sell items in one Thread. Item wise. This way the Potential buyers / members will be better able to keep track of price changes. also it would help you and the potential buyers to negotiate for "multiple items".

for e.g. A member desiring to buy multiple items for e.g. XP-90 cpu h/s + Delta fan + BH-5 rams can more easily do so without searching for and refering to multiple threads.

You may ^bump^ the thread perodically reflecting the new prices or the status of the items (whether sold or not).

I am seperately requesting the admins to do some programing such that only the original seller will have the ability to edit their "first initial post" without time limit so that the Latest prices and the status of the items (sold or not) is reflected in that first post itself.

This can be useful when multiple items are put up for sale.
Deejay said:
I am seperately requesting the admins to do some programing such that only the original seller will have the ability to edit their "first initial post" without time limit so that the Latest prices and the status of the items (sold or not) is reflected in that first post itself.

I too agree with Deejay on this , such a system shud be implemented.
Inability to edit your own messages is what he meant.
Its real pain when you wana update a guide for an instant with latest updates etc or a selling thread. And if this is to avoid the abuse then its not quiet effective as there is sufficient time for abuser to edit his message if he see that there is some strong reaction to his post ;)
IMHO it need to go alltogether. If anyone finds abuse you can always quote in your reply so its there for mods to see in future.
This is the reason i havent yet posted some guides that needs regular updates.

Anyway sorry for OT
^^ You can always PM me or any other mod to do the needful since they have complete access to all posts and can edit/update your first post. Thats what the mods are there for, should you ever need to, dont hesitate to contact any one of them.
And the time limit for editing posts is as you said, in place to avoid abuse. However SuperNova/Quickfire are looking into it, lets see what they come up with. :)
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