Yahoo has integrated the classic Alta Vista Babel Fish into Yahoo Search. The service should now be available at http://babelfish.yahoo.com/
In addition, Yahoo said they have made enhancements to the translations technology that enables "Simplified Chinese to be translated into Traditional Chinese and vice versa with high accuracy." Also, France and Germany users have an additional feature named "Search Translator," a feature that "searcher's queries and looks across the entire Web in multiple languages to find the most comprehensive set of relevant results. Yahoo! Search results are returned on one multi-lingual page."
In addition, Yahoo said they have made enhancements to the translations technology that enables "Simplified Chinese to be translated into Traditional Chinese and vice versa with high accuracy." Also, France and Germany users have an additional feature named "Search Translator," a feature that "searcher's queries and looks across the entire Web in multiple languages to find the most comprehensive set of relevant results. Yahoo! Search results are returned on one multi-lingual page."