Yet Another Source Of Friends...

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Here's A Cool One... Ya As Read In Da Subject We Can Make New Friends Ova'Here... :hap2:
What Exactly Is To Be Done Here...
  • Create A SnowFlake...
  • Respond To Others' Flakes If U Like To...
  • That's It...
Now Ppl. May Mail U Directly or U Might Be Sent A Response Notification If They Respond 2 Yer Flakes...
Nothin Much Is 2 Be Done Ov'There [More Than I Mentioned Up], This Thing Is Like Sending A Mesg. In Space And Then Waitin For A Reply... Or Sendin Another... Technically Its A Typical TimePass...

N BTW... I'm That Jitu Or Jitendra Whateva Whose Flake U've Responded 2... ;)
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