You know what grinds my gears - Invites



You know what Grinds my Gears,

Why do people who have not paid for p2p accounts trade?

If I have a FREE invite, I give it out FREE. :eek:hyeah:

If I pay for a invite, the probability of me handing it out is extremely low, unless I have to have a account for a certain site. But then, if I have paid once, I can most likely pay again. :)

Why do people who have not paid for accounts, not paid a cent, don't give you a invite unless you trade with them? :no:

It does not make sense and certainly defeats the purpose of "sharing", especially when everybody seems to be wanted accounts for p2p sites. :huh:

I can't understand the logic of this, maybe somebody here can explain this logic.:huh:

I'll be posting a list of all my accounts soon and anybody who wants a invite, just email me, if I have one, you can have a invite.

Well anyway, thats my rant for the day. lol Enjoy yourselves.:rofl:


A Sharer & Seeder not a Trader or a Leecher :cool2:

Hey mods, maybe we can make a sticky thread called "YOU KNOW WHAT :mad: GRINDS MY GEARS" where everybody can rant all they like.
Lol i do get your point but man, its the person sheer luck and timing and somewhat hardwork that he was there at the time the site was allowing you to register.

Moreover if your invited person gets a warning, your ass is on line too.

So its like give and take.
Sorry guys, been away on a "emergency" holiday. lol. I will post all my accounts in around two days, Need some time to unpack..etc.

Thanks for the support. The way I see it, unless you have paid for it, it should be a give away. period.

Be back in two days.
one problem Ive noticed is atleast on my isp (airtel) my upload speed is never high enough. So keeping a good ratio is a real effort. It takes me weeks or a month to get a reasonable ratio what might take a day to a week to download. And I run into space issues.