YTH is X360 so expensive in India?

I really don't get it!!
Internationally the XBOX 360 is selling at a price of $299 for the CORE system and $399 for the premium version....Thats translates to around Rs.13500 and Rs.19000.....
But all the local versions I checked have a minimum price of around Rs.21000 and thats just for the core system....

I am aware that after taxes the price of the system would go up, but this is ridiculous....The price is almost the double....I really want to buy an X360 but at these prices I would rather ask my relatives staying abroad to get one for me....:no:

On top of that, while in the US, there are various holiday offers and the prices of consoles drop considerably during holiday seasons, there has been nothing of that sort here....Let alone dropping of prices they are not even offering anything extra for the price that they are selling....

Is there any place in mumbai where I can get an X360 at a reasonable price??
And if at all I ask my cousin staying abroad to get me console, will I be able to play games bought here on that console ??
I have a premium xbox360 with 6 games on sale for Rs.29000 if you're interested.

Check the market section of TE.
coincidentally i checked around the 360 prices today and i was offered 25k for a modded x360 with 20gb HDD and TWO wireless controllers. And i would get 10 *cheap* games with it too.
With chip mods u can get an NTSC xbox from US playing games from all regons no Pal or NTSC issues. In fact all the pirated games for sale here are NTSC...
So lemme get this straight.....

If at all I manage to acquire a system somehow from abroad...then the damn thing won't play games (original) bought in INdia on it??.....

So the only way to get it to play games is to mod it ???

Also where in Mumbai can i get one of these modded systems...?
If at all I manage to acquire a system somehow from abroad...then the damn thing won't play games (original) bought in INdia on it??.....

Not entirely true. DVD games are locked in 3 regions -


The countries that fall under NTSC region lock :

NTSC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. PAL

PAL - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


J = Japan.

Since India falls under PAL region, you'll get PAL region games in India officialy, and to play those PAL games you need a PAL Xbox360. So Xbox360's imported from London and from officially any country that shares the PAL region with India will play games you buy from India.

And the U.S is under NTSC region, so games bought from India will not work on it. I'm receiving an NTSC X360 too and i'll do all my shopping on Ebay USA with which i'm very comfortable.

All this mess can be circumvented with a mod-chip though, but you'll also lose the ability to go Online and will have to wait till the mod scene is able to trick XboxLIVE servers.
Hmm its the indian government taxes that take the toll on pricing. Politicians are *(_&^%^ people who make their pockets big with these taxes collected
Exactly....EVen cellphones are imported....But the difference between the grey market and the normal phones is not much these days....Then y are consoles being penalised..??
Taxes aren't really the problem. The main problem is that there are fewer importers of games and gaming peripherals and as such, they can charge insane prices for them.
Smith said:
coincidentally i checked around the 360 prices today and i was offered 25k for a modded x360 with 20gb HDD and TWO wireless controllers. And i would get 10 *cheap* games with it too.

which shop ? ? place ?? ETC!
Are modded xbox 360s available in india??And if so are they in any way inferior to the original xbox360?? [Mod edit - No discussions related to piracy]
All I can say is Yes to your first question. Xbox 360 which can play backups are being sold in all the popular grey market (like Palika Bazaar in Delhi)

But I have no idea as to what type of modifcations are there, is it a chip or firmware patch or what....probably the high chances are you won't be able to play Xbox360 games online on a mod'd console but I can't confirm this yet.
According to what I've found out these mod chips go to sleep when you insert an original disk....So no problems playing online if u have an original disk...But if u hav a backup then question of playing online does not arise...They will be able to detect the mod chip on the system...
^^Thx. So if we get a modded xbox 360 you can play both the backed up games and the original games right?? Also what cost and do they provide any warranty for the modded ones??
I have no idea abt the warranty cos I haven't spoken to any local dealers...I don't think there wud be any warranty for the modded system though...