Motorola Atrix 2 now available

Do try to change the title to available in India for 23k! It will attract more views.

Motorola Atrix 2 - flipkart

Motorola Atrix 2 - saholic

Listings in flipkart and saholic too. Decent pricing considering that the Galaxy R was priced @ 21k before going OOS.

There is not a single decent droid around the 20k mark after the OOS of O2X and Galaxy R. So its about time Moto took Indian market seriously
Wow...seems like a pretty good phone for the price. Someone on engadget says that there is no wifi hotspot on this one... and googling gives contradictory results, though saholic says its present. Hmmm..
If it was available 4 months back for same pricing, it would have been a great buy. Even now it's a great buy at that price, but as quad cores are around the corner, it would make better sense to wait for few more months. People who wanna buy urgently at ~20k mark, this is a no brainer especially since no O2X and SGR in the market now.
Look at the connectivity tab at

Doubt is that they explicitly say its for 4G, hence it may not work for 3G. Don't know squat about 4G

Wow...seems like a preetty good phone for the price. Someone on engadget says that there is no wifi hotspot on this one... and googling gives contradictory results, though saholic says its present. Hmmm..