Graphic Cards 8800GS cometh !!


Nov 13, 2007
Hardspell and Expreview - have gotten their hands on the GS version of the 8800 and ran some quickie tests. Expect full disclosure in coming days, but right now it’s shaping up to be a bit of a cruel joke on DAAMIT, as the performance and pricing on the 384MB 8800GS seems to hit the HD3850 spot on. - Extra Hardware News Report! » Blog Archive » 8800GS 384MB quick comparison with 8800GT 512MB

The quick test shows the 8800GT leads about 27% comparing to 8800GS. But their price gap is about 50% in our local market.

The price of 384MB 8800GS and 768MB 8800GS is 1199CNY(165USD) and 1499CNY(204USD). Price is similar to HD 3850, so we can expect a mid-end VGA card war is incoming.


hmm .. this is interesting .. hope we get it in India at price lower than the current price of hd3850(Rs11000) it will be a hell of bargain at 9-10k , anyways it will be good buy at 11k too.

what makes this interesting is nvidia is launching 9600gt in by mar-april . and it is reported to have double the performance of 8600gt. so this card will reach the level of performance of 3850, so this will make the midrange even more crowded . anyways more the merrier for us , as it onky bring the prices down.