An IEM at around 4K INR


Molar Police
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Looking for a good pair of IEMs at around 4K INR. Not really sure whether to go for a Klipsch or Head-Direct or Soundmagic. It appears really confusing. This will be for my brother, who will be using it along with his Macbook Pro as well as his iPod. ANything which is available in India with bill and warranty is preferred. And decent noise isolation is a must. Please suggest.
@4K I wold suggest the RE0 ,since u said that he is going to use it with his ipod or the mac book.The RE1 also fits in to this category but it needs an amp.@4K my vote goes to RE) which can do pretty good job with out and amp.
logistopath said:
Looking for a good pair of IEMs at around 4K INR. Not really sure whether to go for a Klipsch or Head-Direct or Soundmagic. It appears really confusing. This will be for my brother, who will be using it along with his Macbook Pro as well as his iPod. ANything which is available in India with bill and warranty is preferred. And decent noise isolation is a must. Please suggest.

What does he listen to? At this price range its best to choose the iem that suits your taste.
^^ Mostly the stuff that is churned out by Hindi and Tamil film industries. And, slow rock and country. Nothing too bassy. This is what I know of his music taste.
RE0 would be a good choice.

Klipsch S4 is another great IEM, but you mentioned he doesn't need anything too bassy, so maybe this won't be suitable.

Fischer Eterna is fun sounding if not worried about accuracy and details.
^^ I believe all the above are available in India with warranty. I can find only Soundmagic in our Dealer's paradise. Also, how does the Nuforce NE8 compare with these you have mentioned.
RE-0 would need good amping to shine out and sound musical ,otherwise the sound is ruler flat and neutral.

My suggestion would be go for Kilpsch S4 , sounds pretty good and is available with prashaant dealer on TE :)
Benny , mine RE-0 which you tried the other day were connected to the uDAC as source and hence sounded so beautiful.

When you connect it to a mediocre PMP , it doesn't sound as good .. so unless the OP is ready to invest in a good amp for the RE-0 or if he already has a good source which can drive the RE-0 properly , without any doubt the RE-0 are the most extremely detailed IEMs around. I still wouldn't suggest it cause the sound of RE-0 is so neutral and monitor-like , it doesn't suit everyone's taste. You either Love them or hate them ;).Wouldn't want the OP to take that chance .Also the hassles of getting the RE-0 from the dealer who is known for his services :p ..not worth it .. anyways incase the OP gets a chance to try out the RE0 ,it would be easy for him to decide.

Otherwise the Kilpsch S4 is the safest bet.

The Eternas which first of all aren't easily available sound pretty good but lot of processed / coloured midrange and slightly boomy bass.
^^ I most certainly would like to avoid waiting and waiting and getting frustrated in the process of buying the RE-0 from you know where. :p That is one reason I'm looking at Klipsch only right now.
And no, I'm pretty sure my bro will not be investing in an amp. This itself is a gift from my bhabhi for him, else he wouldn't even have bothered buying a decent set of earphones.
mutant said:
BOSE in-ears anyone? they are really good...

Please die

chiron said:
Considering your requirements I don't think you really need to spend 4k on an iem though.

I think I'll agree with what chiron has to say. Given your requirements, even something like basic like the Soundmagic PL21s should suffice
@chiron and stalker: I don't understand.. Do you mean to say that a Klipsch is not needed for the genres of music that I expect someone to listen to..? Or is it that a non-audiophile doesn't need such high end earphones..? Please clarify.

Anyways, I have no say in the budget. I was asked to suggest a good IEM in 4K range, and here I am. :p Would like to hear your opinions though..!
^ I think they mean someone who is not so very keen about sound quality and extreme detailing doesn't need to spend 4k on IEMs .I partially agree to that, maybe a PL-21 would suffice as well.It all depends on how much the person is into quality listening ,detailing etc.
^^ I do agree with that, though partly.. I'd like to take it this way... maybe he will become more involved into quality listening because of this IEM.. Probably he might discover quality which he never knew even existed. To me, EP630 was a great upgrade at a time I considered 700 for an IEM to be too much. But now I realize it was too little, and not much of an upgrade at all..
Anyways, all this is OT.. Thanks for the info guys..! Much appreciated.
logistopath said:
Probably he might discover quality which he never knew even existed.

Trust me, most guys have gone through the exact same thing. :p You never know how good something sounds until you hear it, and once you do, boy oh boy, your wallet just starts crying. :p