Android Phone or Camera Phone

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The Reaper Is Here
i need a android phone(must be upgradable to 2.2) or Good camera phone(5MP<) for 10k-13k <- budget increased

and no galaxy 3 or 5 ..

and must be from MUMBAI

and doesn't necessarily need to be under warranty...

but must be in good condition and should not have been previously repaired.
In that budget, only Spica would be a decent choice for Android phone.

But then there is no chance of official update to v2.2.

But there is every chance that custom ROM would be

available at some point of time in future.

Most of the other phones either would be way out of

the budget or officially beyond End of Life.

For camera phones, you may get some dcent offers though,

but they would mostly be non-Android phones. Good luck!
ohh okay cool, spica would be nice but i dont see much of that phone being sold here...

hope i get some good offers for camera phones also :)

a android or a good camera phone that's all i want :)

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Someone from Mumbai is selling a Spica. He was in talks with me, but at the moment I am unable to finalize the deal. You can see if it suits your purpose.
yah he contacted me too...but 10k for a spica is too much i guess... i saw a guy sell it for 8k somewhere.. i was a tad bit late for that.
you can get a new nokia X2 with 5mp camera for <Rs 6000

but the phone is a bit slow. has too be... more hardware= slower.
@ankur thats a nice deal i'll let u know by tomrw evenin :)

but one problem ur from delhi....i wanted it to be from that i can check and pay by cash..
Don't go for X2 if you are mainly interested in camera. Its camera is 5MP no doubt, but the quality is not so good.

And I suppose Spica with decent warranty won't be available for below 9K. A piece without warranty may be

available below that, but I suppose not many Spica owners would like to part with that.
budget increased to 13K

yah tested that device today... its not that great...had k810i nothin below its standard looks good..(yup CYBER SHOT'S 3.12MP and xenon flash cant be matched by X2'S 5 mp )

still looking..
^^ thanks alot :)

the budget has been increases to 13K MAX

so let the PMs roll in.. :)

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BUMP.. .. budget increased to 13K :)
^^ that's like 8k above my max budget... sorry that's waaay outta my reach..

bumpy.... i am open to offers from any handset except nokia....
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