Audio Anyone in Mumbai up for some test driving my new headphones


I am asking an audiophile in Mumbai area who has spare time to test drive my brand new cans - Shure SRH 440

I am pretty sure these sound way better with an amp, as I am amazed by the sound reproduction quality of these cans. Alas I dont have any amp for that matter. On the plus side you can write a review on TE for the same.

Let me know if you are up for it.

vivacious_tg said:
only for audouphiles ... this is sad:(
No worries mate.. you can join and get to test drive yourself, let me know if you wish to be informed of the meet, if any.

EDIT: as for that matter.. anyone is invited to the meet/test drive.. just post of this thread if you wish to be informed.. also, we will have a scorecard like Jeremy Clarkson does it :)
FaH33m said:
Only for audiophiles :(.
Hi Fah33m,

I have read quite a lot of your threads and you are selling yourself short by by this remark.

You do have an impressive collection and definitely more experience than me to count as an audiophile in my books.

Let me know if you are up to test drive these cans.



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ragzdiablo said:
just wanted to know..

how much did you get the cans for?

Got it for 4100 here in Mumbai
ragzdiablo said:
Yeah, not for you..

you are one up the audiophile level.. :D

Damn right!!!
tcpip said:
No worries mate.. you can join and get to test drive yourself, let me know if you wish to be informed of the meet, if any.

EDIT: as for that matter.. anyone is invited to the meet/test drive.. just post of this thread if you wish to be informed.. also, we will have a scorecard like Jeremy Clarkson does it :)
will be happy if you inform regarding the same......

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FaH33m said:
Only for audiophiles :(.
BTW I know only one person whom I consider a audiophile & used to bug him with my queries on TE.
You better know who is he :p
^ arre guys you have to meet real audiophiles to know what it is like , they have insanely awesome setups ,talk some alien language related to sound and some of their talks can really be funny(no offense to anyone) . I am just climbing up the ladder.Don't really belong to the elite class , just a music and audio gear love :D

Tcpip , where are you located in Mumbai ? If vashi is nearby for you , you can visit my place and try out your headphones with the uDAC as well as try any of my gear if you wish to.
tcpip said:
Hi Fah33m,

I have read quite a lot of your threads and you are selling yourself short by by this remark.

You do have an impressive collection and definitely more experience than me to count as an audiophile in my books.

Let me know if you are up to test drive these cans.


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Got it for 4100 here in Mumbai
Damn right!!!

No offense mate. He was just being sarcastic.
Hey, I want to hear them too.

Got a portable Ibasso P3+ and a home amp - Audio- GD Compass to drive them. Would prefer a meet where we could all come and audition the Shures. :)
FaH33m said:
Tcpip , where are you located in Mumbai ? If vashi is nearby for you , you can visit my place and try out your headphones with the uDAC as well as try any of my gear if you wish to.

I am in the western suburbs, Vashi is too far for me. If you are coming around to the burbs anytime next week, it would be great.
BF1983 said:
Hey, I want to hear them too.

Got a portable Ibasso P3+ and a home amp - Audio- GD Compass to drive them. Would prefer a meet where we could all come and audition the Shures. :)

Great!! I am open to have a meet anywhere between Borivali and Bandra. Lets put up some possible venues, before we give a holler to everyone in the thread. I got just one pair of SRH 440, who else has Shures?

spirovious said:
Shure 440 are said to be neutral & flat.How much did you pay?

How does it sound to you?

I paid 4100 for the cans and they sound good to me.. they lack the soundstage which is why ppl call it flat else they sound pretty awesome. And I needed a closed option anyway.

Also, I somehow feel they can be driven miles better by an amp/udac
spirovious said:
If I can,I may join.

Indeed, we will give a shout to everyone on the thread, so please pour in your suggestions for venues and times.

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ultimabasher said:
No offense mate. He was just being sarcastic.
None taken, I am simply pointing out the facts straight.. I can be considered a noob when it comes to great sound quality.
TBH I'll never go near a true audiophile. They'll make you go crazy :rofl:

Needless to say, but I'll be tagging along with Fah33m whenever/wherever this happens. :p
viralbug said:
TBH I'll never go near a true audiophile. They'll make you go crazy :rofl:

Needless to say, but I'll be tagging along with Fah33m whenever/wherever this happens. :p
Of Course, we will get a whiff if they are being too radical.

And More the merrier. Please pour in any possible venues between Borivali and Bandra.
I have auditioned the SRH840 paired with D4 before i got the D2000,they are good but a bit flat and neutral and miss the extra oomph what the D2000 has.Certainly not for my liking.
This is not fair, when I was in Mumbai nothing like this was ever happening, as soon as I leave for the US so many such meets have sprung up! :mad: