Apple iPhone 3g 8gb

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  • Product Name, Manufacturers code & URL: Apple iPhone 3g 8gbwith wall charger, earphones, usb data transfer cable & sim tool remover

  • Expected Price: Rs. 19,000
  • Time of Purchase: November 2009
  • Indian warranty valid/Remaining Warranty period: No. This phone was purchased in Dubai. It's unlocked & works on any network. However, it's never been jailbroken
  • Reason for Sale: Want to buy a new phone
  • Purchase Invoice Available: No
  • Product Condition: Mint condition. Never had any issues. Never tried to Jailbreak or try sumthing damaging to it. Almost no scratches. Accessories except charger are majorly unused
  • Product Location: Pune/Mumbai
  • Preferred Courier: Will not be shipping it. However, ppl staying in Pune, Mumbai, Thane, Navi Mumbai & Bangalore can pick up the phone as I can arrange for it to be sent through relatives going up & down
  • Shipping Charges: No Shipping

  • Payment Options: Cash & Bank Transfer

Do not lowball or crap my main thread. For any further clarifications, please use the PM route. I will be more than happy to answer any of your questions.

Click here to Send a Private Message to me and Buy.

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the phone you are offering costs 9 to 10 k at heera panna[used] and 14 k at alfa [sealed].the price is absurd to say the least.
@vantheman5211: I've specifically mentioned do not crap the thread. You could've easily PM'd me the thing you said above instead of posting it here. Do you think I care about your absurdity? No Seriously. How do you just post something like this? If you find something like this in Heera Panna cheaper, go freaking buy it. Don't waste my time here. If you find the price high, quote something to me by PM, but DON'T CALL IT ABSURD or CRAP THE MAIN THREAD. This is not a blog & I'm not here to entertain such comments.
^^ the freaking price is absurd and i do reserve the right to voice my you feel you can easily rip off a person when you are asking 95% more than the actual value of the product you are offering? the members market is a place for the members to deal with and if the members find something absurd there is a obligation to voice the opinion.
You reserve the right to voice your opinion in a professional manner. If you really want me to get down to your level & just tell you some random words next time you have a sale, do let me know. I will be more than happy to do so. And since I own the product, I've complete right to fix the price & lower it when I feel like.

Also, do you think an iphone 2g now will sell for Rs.1000 just cause it's an old piece now? Have you ever heard of this term called re-sale value? Try buying a second hand suzuki swift or dzire or skoda octavia for throw away prices & show me (unless they're defunct). Show me 1 person who will sell their Sony TV for less than 50% of it's value even though it won't have warranty.

I myself picked up an Altec Lansing ATP3 for Rs.1500 even though the last price before the production stopped was Rs.2700. But I know this is a premium product & it works like a charm.

So plz don't give me your bull story that you're trying to help other members cause everybody is well & truly aware of the market prices. If it needs to be lowered, I will do so. You don't have to throw in your feelings over here

@buddingwhizkid: Your another wisecrack ain't you? check your own thread, you've clearly mentioned "Please don't crap and all low-balling in pm !"

Now why would you come here & open your trap unless you want me to come there & ruin your posts? I've mentioned the exact same thing in my post.
^^ so i should have spoken in my automated voice reply mode it seems.dude i am not a robot and thats my opinion you like it or not that aint my problem.the point about the 2g is pointless and born out of you think people will buy a 2g for 15 k? really ? every product has its price and people who are posting at a dedicated tech forum like this are aware of the market price.i will give you my eg- i just got a UCB watch for 300 bucks and the market price[or production price as u may] is 3 now should i sell it for 3.5 k?[premium product or non premium product] well if you think yes than my friend i will introduce to a word called "Ripoff" and it currently applies to you.
Well for your kindest of kind informations, I got the phone for 24k. Secondly, there is a term called "BULL****" for ppl like you who still go crapping other ppl's thread. And as you mentioned yourself, ppl are aware of the market prices, then why do you open your trap in a manner which deserves such a nasty comeback? Next time you put up a sale, do let me know. Let me see how you feel when your main thread is being crapped. Then you comeback & tell me if you like it or not.
^^^ i will surely welcome you mate.i always welcome the fun element in my threads.yes people are aware of the market prices and thus i pointed that to you!!! dont you understand this?[ with me being one of the people and all that]

i think you are basically not getting what i am saying - you are selling more than the damn market price almost twice as much! and you call pointing that out bull****?you getting the phone for 24 k is the market price at that period of time[called past] and now the price is 14 k and hence the price should be in consideration to the current market price itself and not when you bought it.your points are just so so wrong at so many levels,they are just laughable.
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