Buying a cross cut shredder

Hello everyone,
I would like to buy a cross cut shredder, but I am a little confused. Looking for opinions from people who have experience with these machines.

Strip vs cross cut -
We only shred a few documents at a given time. So buying a strip cut would potentially allow easy reconstruction.

We aren't dealing with any overtly sensitive documents, but when doing something I would prefer we do it the right way.

Am I right in my reasoning above?

Dealing with backlog -
We currently have some 10-15,000 sheets on backlog. These aren't time sensitive and can be destroyed over a period of time.

I was thinking of buying a personal shredder (something that can shred 10 sheets at a time) and running the backlog over a month or 2.

Would the motor give way if I do this? Or is it okay?

There appear to be tons of random name brand shredders on Amazon, alongside established names like Kores. Can someone provide reviews of these or more insight?

I was also able to talk to a local distributor who deals with his own brand (Ask Technologies) who told me something about an armature and a motor. The man seemed very knowledgeable but then I know jack shit about shredders, so I would like to know if I'm being taken for a ride.

Per my understanding of his explanation, an armature can only be operated for extremely short periods of time (read 2 minutes) while a motor can be run for 10 minutes or so. Similarly, the per day shredding capacity of an armature is around 100 sheets, whereas the motor can deal with 300.

The price he quoted was 5.5K for the armature and 10K for the motor version.

I haven't collated my thoughts properly so this might seem very "all over the place".

I am trying to buy something that can help me clear my backlog without buying very expensive equipment that will never be used to it's capacity afterwards.

Thank you for helping out.