Can't secure wifi connection when using WRT54GS in bridge mode.


Yes, I tried to make the topic title as self-explanatory as possible.

When I setup my Buffalo router in bridge mode, it works smoothly enough but my connection is unsecured. I'd like to enter my router's firmware settings and give an SSID + AES key to the thing, but I just can't open the router page. The back of the router says that while in bridge mode, should work but it doesn't. I also tried the other address, for the non-bridge mode ( but that yields nothing too. I tried other random stuff like and and more but they do nothing either. just leads to the page for my ethernet card/LAN/modem/whatever thingy.

So, how do I get to the router's page? Or any Connection Setup Wizard? I just want to secure the damn thing.

Help, please?
In cmd type "ping -r 1" will send a message through the home router that will cause its IP address to be displayed. For example, "ping -r 1" should result in a message like the following displayed on the command prompt:

Reply from bytes=32 time=294ms TTL=56



In this example, the IP address after "Route:" ( corresponds to the router address.
Or you can try tracert...


Tracing route to []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1	 1 ms	 1 ms	 1 ms

  2	 9 ms    10 ms	 9 ms

  3    10 ms    10 ms    30 ms

  4    65 ms    64 ms    65 ms

  5   411 ms   411 ms   411 ms [115.11


  6   459 ms   480 ms   456 ms

  7   460 ms   457 ms   459 ms

Here IP in first line is IP of router.
I tried doing both things.

In the "ping -r 1" method, I just got "Request Timed Out" messages 4 times in a row.

In the tracert method, I got "" in the first line but that just leads to my MTNL modem's settings page. I'd like to go to my Buffalo router's settings page. The page which has the firmware which will let me set up an SSID and AES key.

Oh, and I messed up my router's model number. It's actually WHR-G54S.

Google tells the default ip for your router is with username & pass as "root". Did you changed it ever?

Anyways if you can try hard reset-

Unplug the power and hold the reset button as your holding the reset button down plug the unit back in and countinue to hold the reset for about 30 sec the red light on the front of the unit will do a series of flashes then pause then flash again after the second time release the reset button. Let it site for about a min and do a power cycle then try that and make sure that the switch on the back is on auto not bridge.​

Do try ipconfig /all. Most probably the gateway address is router ip.
I tried doing both things.

In the "ping -r 1" method, I just got "Request Timed Out" messages 4 times in a row.

In the tracert method, I got "" in the first line but that just leads to my MTNL modem's settings page. I'd like to go to my Buffalo router's settings page. The page which has the firmware which will let me set up an SSID and AES key.

Oh, and I messed up my router's model number. It's actually WHR-G54S.


if you are connected to the router, you shouldnt even be able to go to your modems page unless you directly connect your pc with lan cable to the modem directly.. are you sure your wire setup is correct???

you should have your main broadband line connected to your mtnl modem. then the lan cable from the mtnl modem to the line in of your router. and a lan cable from one of the routers lan ports to your pc. is this how you are configured???

if you are configured like this, then your modems firmware page wont open up by just typing in the ip of your modem coz your pc will be connected to the router lan port. .

alternatively, if you are using another kind of setup, and you are using windows 7, you can just go the printers and devices page, you will see your buffalo router over there, just double click on it to open its homepage...
Yes, I also suspect that hardware connection is not correct...check if your configuration matches as shown below:

Sorry for the late reply. I had exams in college.

Ok, here is the thing. When I used my router in the non-Bridge mode, it'd work smoothly for a while (even the Buffalo firmware page would load) but occasionally I'd get DNS timeout errors during surfing. I thought that using it in Bridge mode might not lead to this problem. (I don't know how I reached that conclusion. Another one of my stupid things, maybe.) I switched to Bridge mode and in the short span of time I used it that way, surfing was smooth but I could never secure the connection or go to the firmware's page. Which is why I turned to you people for help.

Now, I think I was utterly misguided in doing so and that I'm meant to use my router in the non-Bridge mode with my kind of connection. Anyway, I'm using it in that mode right now and after entering the values for Google DNS in my DNS settings, I don't encounter DNS timeout errors while surfing anymore.

So, for better or for worse, my original dilemma is solved and I can at least surf smoothly now. I'm really, really sorry for being such a doofus and asking such pointless queries. I can fully understand why you all were so frustrated by the end. Thanks for all the help, though. Cheers.