Custom duty related queries

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Hello All,

please find the attached list of revised duty rates.Please feel free to contact us

In case you plan imports from China, please contact us and before purchasing.


  • revised duty rates.png
    revised duty rates.png
    53 KB · Views: 1,070

I have never imported anything from outside(india) via courier services , so i dont have much knowldege about the same , what i would like to know is uptil 10k if we mark items as gifts do you people clear the customs without any custom charges or custom charges stll aply
Well ,

very nice initiative to start this thread :)

now i would advise you to make a table with the item and the duty charged .

and we can confirm , correct , add more to the list as we buy stuff from the outside .

for eg i am planning to buy a razer mamba from US , i will post how much duty i am charged and you can update . For example :: GAMING MOUSE -- 17% (customs) + 2% (Tax on customs) =17.34% .

and so on for as many items as possible .

Till now i can confirm that mobiles are charged 1.03% (have already got three) so you should update about the mobile thing .

Thank you

and once again

Nice work :D
So what is the deal with smooth clearance of tablets ? Im looking at importing a Android tablet for $399. 15% standard duty ?

shopnshipindia said:
Hello All,

Please post in all queries related to custom duty.

Another important notification: In case you are buying an ipad, laptop, tablet, ebook readers and the like, please e mail us the details of the product and the aramex tracking number to ensure smooth clerance.

How to educate 'shopnshipindia' to use 'Reply With Quote' button when answering members queries :(
blr_p said:
How to educate 'shopnshipindia' to use 'Reply With Quote' button when answering members queries :(
Wrong thread mate... In this thread till now no reply has been made, and in the other thread shopnshipindia has already started answering with quote.
Hi ,
Welcome to international online shopping and Shop and Ship :) .Yes we do mark the products under 10 K as gifts proactively, and we try to clear it duty free , though we cannot promise :)
sukant said:

I have never imported anything from outside(india) via courier services , so i dont have much knowldege about the same , what i would like to know is uptil 10k if we mark items as gifts do you people clear the customs without any custom charges or custom charges stll aply

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We do :).. thanks for the suggestion

blr_p said:
How to educate 'shopnshipindia' to use 'Reply With Quote' button when answering members queries :(

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Thanks for the advise. we shall do so. we shall edit our post and you can refer to it.
buddingwhizkid said:
Well ,
very nice initiative to start this thread :)
now i would advise you to make a table with the item and the duty charged .
and we can confirm , correct , add more to the list as we buy stuff from the outside .
for eg i am planning to buy a razer mamba from US , i will post how much duty i am charged and you can update . For example :: GAMING MOUSE -- 17% (customs) + 2% (Tax on customs) =17.34% .
and so on for as many items as possible .

Till now i can confirm that mobiles are charged 1.03% (have already got three) so you should update about the mobile thing .

Thank you
and once again
Nice work :D

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You just need to intimate us reagrding this purchse once it is delivered to our NY Office.this will ensutre that it is cleared at 15%

vinayaga said:
So what is the deal with smooth clearance of tablets ? Im looking at importing a Android tablet for $399. 15% standard duty ?

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The duty will be 15 % on the customs assessed value. Approx . Rs.1672 and the shipping will be relative to the weight. 10 USd fro the 1st 500 gms and 8 usd for every subequent 500 gms + 10.3% service tax. PLease remember, when you import this and as soon as it reaches our office in UK, please e mail us the tracking number and the product description, to ensure clearance at 15 % instead of 27 %
sumonpathak said:
Books are Duty Free! Nice:D

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shopnshipindia said:
Below is a rough list of items with the duty rates. However, the rate will be applied on the customs assessed value or the fair value at times.
Laptop/Computers /iPad
Other than Movie CD/DVD
Digital Steal Image Camera
Sports Equipment
Computer Printers
mino/Hard Disk External
And other computer peripherals


I think you meant Digital *Still* Image Camera:p
shopnshipindia said:
2) For goods with a value less than 10000 INR, we proactively mark as gifts and try a duty free clearance, however cannot promise the same, as it is subjective

Now this is a nice initiative... I understand that this cannot be guaranteed & there are fair chances that a duty might be levied even if its marked as Gift. But this raises another question which includes the mode of payment I had asked in other thread.

  1. How should one order (the complete procedure)
  2. Specifically what modes of payment are acceptable
  3. Payment should be 100% or a lesser value
  4. Finally in the event that the custom clear the consignment as gift even though buyer paid the advance including custom duty then what is the next step for that partial refund
1) you can order from any U.K , U.S , CHINESE websites and give our addreeess to the supplier according to the country he resites.for exaple if you are ordering from amazon and that's a U.S website, then you have to provide our U.S address. the supplier will forward the shipment at our office and we finally deliver to the destination.
2)you can pay online through your credit cards or use pay pal
3)payment should be made 100 %
4)customs is not being paid in advance as , the shipment may clear duty free and if its not cleared duty free then we pay it on your behalf and we charge it at the time of delivery.
HailStonE said:
Now this is a nice initiative... I understand that this cannot be guaranteed & there are fair chances that a duty might be levied even if its marked as Gift. But this raises another question which includes the mode of payment I had asked in other thread.

  1. How should one order (the complete procedure)
  2. Specifically what modes of payment are acceptable
  3. Payment should be 100% or a lesser value
  4. Finally in the event that the custom clear the consignment as gift even though buyer paid the advance including custom duty then what is the next step for that partial refund
What is the custom duty on
i) Branded garments?
ii) Shoes?

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What is the custom duty on
i) Branded garments?
ii) Shoes?

EDIT: Just saw the updated first post. So it is 26%. Sad
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