Data crunch in C drive Help me


I use Windows 7 OS and last night i shutdown properly. When I turned on today, all data in 'c drive downloads' was lost but space allocated to them is still present and some applications pinned in taskbar got unpinned. Mozilla's all data was also lost. I feel that windows is running in some mode by the font and color and data became invisible now :mad: Please help me

Im posting some screenshots of my windows...

right click on ur C drive in my computer, click properties. select tools tab, select check the disk for errors/ check now. click on start option.
go to start > all programs > accessories > command prompt
next type "chkdsk c: /f" without the quotes, it might say that you can perform the action now , so select to perform it at next system restart, and restart the system

post your result
shaplus said:
when trying to use Error check it showing this message "Windows cant check while its in use" :(

you can schedule disk checking in that window and then on reboot the system will check the disk.
Its good that it has been solved but the problem with chkdsk is you lose data in 99% cases. I will try recovery option if anything important on my drives and then will do chkdsk to fix the lost fragments.