Do u know me?

haha.. thnx for the welcome.. well..those who visit forums like ta,digit etc wud know me.. :)

i know ya....
but do ya know me....

hmm..of course.. :p seeing the post count, its only a matter of secs to understand tat u are one of the spammers of ....... :)
Ya I know her (not personally ;) )

Name : archana
Age : 21
Sex: female
Location: somewhere in kerala
doing final year engg,

UPDATED as on December 22,2004. ;)
XTerminator said:
as to what u said about me.....

wat did i say abt you? :hmm:

i hate tat smiley of yours! :p do u have such a bush on your head !! i get reminded of that sprite ad where a boy takes his haircut in a beautiful manner :D