Graphic Cards HD6970 faster than GTX580 in Heaven !!!!

I'm very impressed by the comeback that nVidia has done in this year. Just comparing the situation to last year where everyone was doubting nVidia and AMD was firmly on top, now, they are pretty much neck and neck with nVidia even having a slight edge. Somehow, I feel AMD has been complacent and should've done better.
According to TPU, AT and HardOCP reviews, the 6950 and 6970 are cards that offer terrific value at their price points of 299 and 369$ respectively.

580 - 509$

570 - 340$

6950 - 299$

6970 - 369$

6970 offers 10-13% less performance than 580, but is 140$ less costly. At that price its a great card.

6950 offers 10-13% less performance than 570, but is 50$ less costly.

Even if we compare the $ to Rs. conversion for these graphic card prices base on 5870/5850 prices, 5850 was selling for 16-17k when it was selling for 299$ in the US. 5870 was selling for 22-23k when it was selling for 370$ in the US.

SMC international has pre-orders for 580/570 and 6950/6970. Their prices are as follows,

570 (MSI) - 28750

580 (MSI) - 22000

6950 (Unkown brand) - 23500

6970 (Unkown brand) - 28500

If these prices are indicative then 6950/6970 loose their price advantage pretty badly in India. They don't look desirable at all at that price, even if you consider the taxes etc. that we have to pay here.

For 6950/6970 to be successful in India they have to be priced at 18-19k for 6950 and 22-23k for 6970.

Maybe Shripad can throw some light one the accuracy of these prices.
mustn't we wait for crysis 2 to show up before upgrading? when crysis 1 came up a whole lot of us upgraded(8800gt/8800gts) i believe the same would be true for crysis 2.
@viki, thanks for the heads-up on the prices, which price the 69xx cards out of favour in India. This means more cards for the countries that *have* a Christmas shopping tradition. Obviously it makes the nVidia cards the better buy till prices stabilise in the red corner. It's funny that the launch prices are even more than what I guessed they would be, and even those estimates were inflated.

First round goes to the green monsters, then.