Help - Ipod Touch 3g 32 GB - Want to buy from ebay


Hello TE,

I've been sitting on the fence for a long long time to jump onto the Apple bandwagon. Finally decided to jump in with the Ipod Touch.

Ive been asking around here in Hyderabad, and always get astronomical rates. The iStore here states 18.2 k and the grey market is shady with no warranty.

So I came across this seller on ebay who is selling one apparently with warranty. I just wanted to make sure if this guy is legit and in case anyone knows about the seller and can help me out.

Apple Ipod Touch 32 GB 3g

Also when the seller says 1 year Apple warranty does he mean local warranty or global warranty, because i travel around a lot and would like to know if I can avail the warranty anywhere in the world.

Finally, being a complete apple n00b regarding apple, can anyone direct me towards any good tips on handling the iPod Touch and accessories?
^The eBay deal seems quite decent. Apple honors worldwide warranty for all devices minus the iphones with regard to the serial number of the device. So if you buy one from abroad, you can have it replaced in India, if the device starts acting up; provided it's within the warranty period. You can have the warranty checked from their website.

There are quite a few useful posts in this thread which should answer most of your queries. :)
Yep that deal is good. Go for it.

Apple will honor global warranty.

Do get some case for it or your smudgy fingers will spoil it sheen. :p You may also consider getting a screen protector.
Thanks a tonne all you guys...that info really helped.

one last question...ill be leaving for muscat in a week or many days does it take the shipment to reach Hyderabad from that dealer...can anyone throw some light on that. Would really help me make my decision.
If you still haven't buyed that i suggest put Rs 3k more and you can get Brand New 64GB iPOD Touch 3rd Gen with 1 year warranty

If you still haven't buyed that i suggest put Rs 3k more and you can get Brand New 64GB iPOD Touch 3rd Gen with 1 year warranty