how to bypass OCR/copy-paste tracking in MS word HELP!!!!


i got an assignment in which i have to convert pdf to word file. I have OCR reader which can do it quite effectively for me

now the condition attached to it is that i cant use any OCR software nor can i copy-paste it
what i wanna know is how do i bypass this cheking by the company and how do they track word file for such changes

any help will be appreciated friends
sorry if it was unclear then let me elaborate it little more

i got a pdf file of around 500 pages which i have to type into MS word 2003 [.doc file] in just a week time so i looked for some converter and found a really good OCR s/w which created an exact copy of the word file [the copy i have to submit]

now the company says that we cant use any OCR to create a file so i took a second option to copy-paste text matter into new blank word document

again they say that they wont allow even cut/copy/paste in final word file

now a third try was to dictate through speech recognition which was again rejected by the company

NOW my question is that how the company will track that the given word file is a work of copy/paste or is been generated by an OCR and is there any way to bypass those cheking

HOPE this time i have put my point clearly

waiting for your reply

romavina said:
Hmm.. there are lots of programs that convert from pdf to word. Here's an example PDFtoRTF | Download PDFtoRTF software for free at

Perhaps I didnt understand your question correctly, but I think you need to use a third party program to do the conversion IMO.
thanks for the link . I am using abbyy fine reader to create word file
kekerode said:
Generally OCR softwares put comments, author etc info in output word file ... u can remove those info

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yes i did that in MS office 2010 ... are any other possibility to track a given word file

enclosing the sample file created by abbyy ... i have not done any editing ..... can any 1 track from this file

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@kartikoli, is this for the kind of "work from home" jobs where they ask you to digitise old books ? If yes I'm not sure how true/rewarding it'll be. Most of them look like scams and ask you to pay initially as security towards book cost.
mod-the-pc said:
@kartikoli, is this for the kind of "work from home" jobs where they ask you to digitise old books ? If yes I'm not sure how true/rewarding it'll be. Most of them look like scams and ask you to pay initially as security towards book cost.
yes its true ... this is the one but they made a contract on a stamp paper of Rs. 10 ..... which is worth a chance .... anyway they charged me Rs. 2000 as registration and in just 2 days i have a work CD with me

hope they are not scams they have there website as well.

talked to the head office for clarification as well

if they pay me [15days work time +7-10days company checking..]after the time period then i will surely share here

till then finger crossed :D
Basically that is what made me think that its a scam. If digitizing is all they're interested in why the restriction on OCR ? If the end result is good enough why do they worry about the actual digitisation process ?
mod-the-pc said:
Basically that is what made me think that its a scam. If digitizing is all they're interested in why the restriction on OCR ? If the end result is good enough why do they worry about the actual digitisation process ?
thats a valid point but now i have to go ahead with it ... paid the money
kartikoli said:
yes its true ... this is the one but they made a contract on a stamp paper of Rs. 10 ..... which is worth a chance .... anyway they charged me Rs. 2000 as registration and in just 2 days i have a work CD with me

hope they are not scams they have there website as well.

talked to the head office for clarification as well

if they pay me [15days work time +7-10days company checking..]after the time period then i will surely share here

till then finger crossed :D
Uh oh ... trouble trouble.

If the work requires PDF to DOC conversion, I don't think the employer should have any problems at all whether its done by OCR or copy-paste or voice-to-text. The way you put it, it sounds like they wanna give you an impossible task of typing in a limited time frame, and, gulp the registration fee stating your failure to do so. Even if you remove any signs of OCR I feel they'll come up with some other shortcoming in your work.

I'd suggest, get the hell out of this and demand your registration money back, with a legal notice.

Btw, sorry to say this but I'm sure that ten rupee stamp paper is worth toilet paper.

EDIT: Didn't notice mod-the-pc's post. Totally agree with him.
hellfire said:
Uh oh ... trouble trouble.

If the work requires PDF to DOC conversion, I don't think the employer should have any problems at all whether its done by OCR or copy-paste or voice-to-text. The way you put it, it sounds like they wanna give you an impossible task of typing in a limited time frame, and, gulp the registration fee stating your failure to do so. Even if you remove any signs of OCR I feel they'll come up with some other shortcoming in your work.

I'd suggest, get the hell out of this and demand your registration money back, with a legal notice.

EDIT: Didn't notice mod-the-pc's post. Totally agree with him.
i think thats correct

yesterday i took the CD and talked to the head office and got a new update

now after series of difficult questions put-up by me :D they say that i can copy paste word to word but not PDF to word [what i said that i will start a pdf file and ask my friend to complete the later half of the file then i will mearge the 2 word file ... which infact is a copy-paste ]

i think they got me up and i just have 1% chance to get payment

anyway i will take it as a learning experience for me

Btw, sorry to say this but I'm sure that ten rupee stamp paper is worth toilet paper.
dont be sorry mate i do have a firm believe in ur statement :D
All is not lost. I'd suggest you threaten them with a complaint to the police ... this is fraud. I know the police won't do shiz but they have to accept your written complaint (they cannot refuse to take your complaint ... they won't do anything on it is another matter).

Maybe the fraudsters would return your money to be on the safe side to continue ripping others, rather than pay-off the cops!
hellfire said:
All is not lost. I'd suggest you threaten them with a complaint to the police ... this is fraud. I know the police won't do shiz but they have to accept your written complaint (they cannot refuse to take your complaint ... they won't do anything on it is another matter).

Maybe the fraudsters would return your money to be on the safe side to continue ripping others, rather than pay-off the cops!
i will do that if they dont pay me, this time i will complete the assignment and in 1% hope i will complete the work