Budget 31-40k HP Pavilion G6-2314AX Laptop best under 33k?

My colleague uses the same, he doesn't use any resource heavy apps though. Performance is good and haven't faced any heating issues so far.
Ok guys so from these shortlisted notebooks, what should I finally buy considering after sales services, heating, build quality and performance?




they say in terms of raw general performance, the A8-4500M performs similar to the Llano-based A8-3500M. Single-threaded workloads can especially benefit from the new architecture and the updated Turbo Core functionality. If compared to Intels Core-i3-series, the A8-4500M offers less performance in most cases.
AMD APU = good integrated graphics with a mediocre cpu.
intel i3 = good cpu with horrible integrated graphics.

though the i3 is a dual core; it has hyper threading to help it grunt through. though the A8 has four "piledriver"cores (two modules with two core each) the lack of single threaded performance compared to an i3 can only be compensated with overclocking and i don't think you are going to do that on a laptop. the A8 would be better at encoding video but for anything else the i3 is better in performance. Basically A8 is also a dual core with 2 logical cores for each core.[DOUBLEPOST=1372056022][/DOUBLEPOST]i5 is way better.
STOP !!! Don't go for any of the HP G6 series laptop.
even for a casual game requirement ... This is not the best choice . Forget the reviews on Flipkart . I own a HP G6 2016 & Dedicated HD 7670m never works on any apps or games.
The switchable graphics feature is a big FAIL . HP G6 series has the worst driver support. How ever there are modded drivers which works in rare cases.
( 1 GB AMD Radeon HD 7670M Dedicated 512 MB AMD Radeon HD 7640G Graphics Integrated ) these don't go well , just google & find out .
Please search if this laptop uses a feature called switchable graphics. If yes then look at other Laptops.
just go thru these links.

http://www8.hp.com/us/en/hp-search/search-results.html?ajaxpage=1#/page=1&/cc=us&/lang=en&/qt=HD 7670m not working



yes i have heard HP lappys g6 are causing a lot of problems. Even sony vaio sucks..personal experience.Am staying away from sony laptops from now on.
God no, Please I beg you don't buy, I repeat, do not buy any HP products, except the probook series(only if you are into hackintosh). These are quite simply the worst ever laptops ever made.

Next to no driver support. I purchased a dv6 last year (sept model) and then HP decided to cut driver support for all models upto Oct 12! see I missed out on Windows8 drivers because they just dont support sh!t once its sold.

Switchable graphics is an epic fail!!!!!! its a joke. The drivers don't work. Yes you can use LEschcat labs drivers, but even then it is a hit and miss sort of experience. What is worse is that GPUZ will not let you dump the vga bios of you AMD?Nvidia card on a hp laptop. Yup it is not recognisable there.

All in all its best to stay away from it. Oh and the heat issues :mad: damn it overheats to such and extent I had 2 hdds die due it and now I have had to move onto SSDs to avoid this situation.

The battery dies almost as soon as your warranty gets over. Just stay away from HP .....
@senthil u using the same laptop? howz the battery life? i read somewhere that battery is a issue..hardly lasts for 2-2.5 hours.
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