Internet censorship and how it affects you as a site owner and an end user

The Sorcerer

As much I feel bad and feel hurt by certain comments people make on individuals, genders, religion, nationality, etc. censorship the freedom of speech is a bigger evil IMHO.

Amol Sharma and Preetika Rana, both who write for Wall Street Journal, interviewed the person who filed a lawsuit against Google and Facebook (and giving him a colourful nickname).


Before we say anything, remember one thing. In a way Vinay Rai himself admits that he doesn't really know how the internet/social media works and he hasn't tried to do something that many did.

It is the right of every Indian citizen to voice his/her opinion against what he deems objectionable.

And yet he says:

I did not deem it appropriate to approach foreign companies myself.

Like many incompetent people online, he never heard of a "Report Button".

and this is what he said later:

I’m not too active on social media. I registered on Facebook over 2 years ago but deactivated my account a few months later. This was because my inbox was flooded with external applications, requests and games sent by unknown users via the website. Since I wasn’t too familiar with the content, I deactivated my account.

A guy who doesn't know anything about social media and obviously looks as if he doesn't know how the internet works- or even attempt to know about it is the same guy who filed a complained. I mean- what???

Meanwhile Indian Government has started censoring the internet as a satirical website that is hosted in BigRock has been forced to shut down because they didn't like it.

I am sure you are all aware of an Indian website called being suspended few days? Well I spoke to owner just now.

As according to my conversation with Aseem Trivedi, the owner of the website Cartoons Against Corruption that was hosted in Indian hosting company BigRock has been suspended by the order given by Mumbai Crime Branch. BigRock and/or Mumbai Crime Branch did not inform Aseem Trivedi before suspending the site. There has been no court order, no formal or informal letter by BigRock and Mumbai Crime Branch. Since when Mumbai Crime Branch received judicial powers to shut down a site without informing the site owner? and why did BigRock, an Indian origin web hosting company, did not inform Aseem Trivedi? Where is the court order? Where is the paper that orders BigRock to shut down the site? Why was it not given before? Why can't these people know the difference between satire, sarcasm and have any sense of humour? They all have enough brains, but one can assume that they have been paid by the corporates and media barons as they fear the independent press who only have the internet and direct opinions/sharp criticisms by the individuals. At the end of the day, it all involves advertisement revenue and they want to gag this. What do you expect when a private company funds money to buy other TV Channels is the same company that blocks file sharing when their entertainment wing released 2 movies: Singham and Don 2.

Actions like this raises doubts. We are not going the way of China, we're already there. Nevertheless it pretty much shows that one shouldn't really rely on Indian hosting sites. If a proper system is not followed to remove the content- or worse- to shut down the site, then its best if people take their business out of such hosting companies.
The only thing i looked forward to being in India than china was freedom of speech. But with complete bufoons like these, India surely has taken a step towards being absolutely unbearable.

Indians on a broad scale hardly have civic sense, and dont really use common sense unless somebody asks them. Now such people exactly are wielding power in offices, we surely gonna see the more understanding section of the society (ie us, who generally dont raise voice in cinema halls and/or during a fight) getting harassed and frustrated to say the least.
Where are we going

The guy doesn't know how to operate a facebook account and the same guy files a law suit. Damn !!

How about Google/FB taking a rigorous test before allowing some person to create a google/FB account ?
Instead of waisting its time on conspiring to censor internet, this govt should be more concerned with issues like economic development. At this age and time this is most unfortunate move, especially in the country which boast itself as the world's largest 'democracy'.​

Maybe the huge role that internet played in Anna Hazare movement forced govt. to control internet.​

I think those who oppose any move to censor internet should actively post/tweet on leading new channels/newspaper website so that govt is made aware about the unpopularity of the move.​
^ +1 to that.

India is a under-developed country and there are lots of other issue to be concerned about, rather then censoring internet.

I have no idea, why the indian govt (and especially the fellow, who filed the case) poke their nose into smaller matter, rather then larger problem at hand
+1, even after 65 years of independence, our country is still a "developing nation".

There are so many problems plaguing the country.

- Water shortage in most parts of the country

- The standard of education in government schools

- High cost of real estate in urban India

- Poor Roads

- Communal oriented and divisive politics

- Low wages And Rewards to the Army

- Unemployable youth

- Lack of jobs which Pay decent Wages.

- High cost And Unavailability of Electricity

- Farmer suicides And debt

- Border disputes with China and Pakistan

- Terrorism and terrorist groups inside the country

- A poorly Equipped Police Force

- Corruption In Government

- Lack of healthcare in Rural India

- Population