internet Jobs

Hello everyone
I have seen alot of ads regarding Internet jobs
Earn 400 dollars 4000 dollars 4 lacks rupess per month
After clicking on ads they take you to a page
where the person who earns this kind of money share their experiences
And below the article comments from people based on that.
Is such kind of one

Are these real or scams
Any one here te has such experiences

Plz share
They're should definitely try it out.
And if they ask for your credit card, or an upfront investment of around 2-3 lakhs, don't hesitate to transfer the money instantly.
All these sites are real. I'm making about 50 lakhs a year just filling up surveys and clicking on ads. I had to invest about Rs. 5 lakhs initially, and that was worrisome, but in the end I more than recovered my investment.
Unfortunately, the site where I work isn't accepting new members, but there are plenty of other sites like that around.

If you're really interested, I'll sell you my membership for Rs. 75 lakh only. I make 50 lakh a year, so you'll be in a profit of Rs. 25 lakhs after 2 years, and from then it's at least 50 lakhs a year. Trust me, this is real. The reason I'm willing to sell you my membership is that I've got a good heart, and I want others to benefit just like I did.
They're should definitely try it out.
And if they ask for your credit card, or an upfront investment of around 2-3 lakhs, don't hesitate to transfer the money instantly.
All these sites are real. I'm making about 50 lakhs a year just filling up surveys and clicking on ads. I had to invest about Rs. 5 lakhs initially, and that was worrisome, but in the end I more than recovered my investment.
Unfortunately, the site where I work isn't accepting new members, but there are plenty of other sites like that around.

If you're really interested, I'll sell you my membership for Rs. 75 lakh only. I make 50 lakh a year, so you'll be in a profit of Rs. 25 lakhs after 2 years, and from then it's at least 50 lakhs a year. Trust me, this is real. The reason I'm willing to sell you my membership is that I've got a good heart, and I want others to benefit just like I did.
I think we already had a thread for something like this where all the other users have given their input, So @ch@ts is actually bored by seeing the same kind of threads again and again :p

To answer the OP's Q - No, they are not geniune so STAY AWAY FROM THEM
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Never fall for these type of get rich quick schemes, internet "jobs" are much harder than you think and it takes time to build a steady source of income.