Iphone 4 launch on 27 may

moksh4u2 said:
that is quite true

but since we're on a tech forum, i guess most would prefer function over form

but neither would be a bad choice :)
I'm pretty much a phone-noob myself so may be a good choice for me :p
moksh4u2 said:
but neither would be a bad choice :)

If you see Galaxy S II in action you won't say that. It blows away any iThingy. It might even blow any iThingy that is supposed to come in a few months. I am trying (very hard) to find a something wrong with it. Yeh, it's that good :)
kaps2010 said:
I had one question is iPhone 4 going to be factory unlocked.
No they wont come FU. But later on they may unlock after the service agreement is over or by paying some fee or they may never entertain requests to unlock.