JAVA Course help

I am planning to join a Java course. I need to know only from the experienced, which classes are the best in respect to industry relevance and certification. Because most of the classes just teach you the basics and then you are on your own.
I want to learn core java and even get a certificate for the same.
I am located in Mumbai, so suggestions for mumbai classes only.
if you could even give address, contact or fee details, it would be excellent.
deaddevil said:
I am planning to join a Java course. I need to know only from the experienced, which classes are the best in respect to industry relevance and certification. Because most of the classes just teach you the basics and then you are on your own.
I want to learn core java and even get a certificate for the same.
I am located in Mumbai, so suggestions for mumbai classes only.
if you could even give address, contact or fee details, it would be excellent.

Just a suggestion:::

Go for online tutoring by downloading videos from online sites like

They are awesome and can be viewed and re-viewed number of times....

Google for torrents for the same if u dont want to pay....
In interviews your knowledge is tested, your experiance is checked, then your certification is checked, then your class names are checked and then your educational qualification is looked at.
For resume shortlisting, Certification does add Value. but to me, Class name does not make much difference.

I would suggest, Start with Simple Java book. "Head First Java" is fit.
Spend some time yourself with code, download jdk and play around.
Once you are comfortable, You can either buy a advanced book and continue hands-on; or Join NIIT/Aptech/(whoever you think has better chances of campus recruitment) for advanced Java.
Finally, you can use A Programmer's Guide to Java SCJP Certification: A Comprehensive Primer (3rd Edition) (9780321556059): Khalid Mughal, Rolf Rasmussen: Books for certification. there are various other books. I prefered mughal few years ago.
there are other easier options to passing certifications, I would recommend you to avoid them as you would cheat with yourself. Study well, score well, and that will also reflect in your interviews.
best of luck