Car & Bike kauzy joins the 200 club... OMG!!


hi guys... well it may be a surprise for u all.. but neways... i have bought a new bike... a pulsar 200... :) :)

well... initially i had decided to go for the R1... :eek:hyeah: but then decided... i'll be here just for one more year... so who'll ride it... it won't be justice for the beast... so i made up my mind that i'll get it when i'll return from my MBA :D
till then... to njoy my riding... i bought this... :)

hope the pics r good... taken from my iphone :eek:hyeah: :eek:hyeah:

Nikhil said:
Congrats !! Now do the same thing to that bike what you did to your P50. K&N, etc.......

you mean p150 :p
yeah... m gonna fit the K&N filter to it but after 3-4 servicings...

btw isn't iPhone good at taking pictures?? :p
Keane 16 said:
It's amazing mate. What'd you do with it?

well nothin much... just converted the first image into sepia... nd palyed with the saturation levels a bit... thats it... :)

Private Ryan said:
Congrats, man.........:D
Btw, shudnt this be in the Show off section?? :lol:

lolz... :hap2:
when you said the 200 club....i thought you were referring to 200 posts club or something :s

Anyways its a great buy, congrats...but wheres a the treat. We need to keep a new policy in the showoff section that whoever shows off has to give a treat session to all rgular members here :p