Car & Bike Kimi vs Hamilton - Round 2.


Jul 24, 2006
Mc Laren has appealed for disqualification of 3 drivers that will lead to Hamilton coming in at 7th place and the championship will be his. Probably the cheapest trick this year. But, this doesn't mean I've lost any respect for Hamilton (lost all respect for him a long time ago when he couldn't keep quiet and kept accusing a silent Alonso who had no one to back him up. It was like hitting a person with a handicap).

The decision is expected today.

I hope Kimi retains his championship :hap2: .

So keep your fingers crossed.

P.S.: May hamilton gets screwed and thrown out of Mc Laren :tongue: . That will mean the end of him in F-1. After all he said he only wants to drive a Mc Laren and no other car in F-1. This guy must have got a very long tongue which is deep inside Mc Laren Boss's ass. This doesn't mean I don't think he is talented, love his driving style but his big mouth.


Apr 18, 2007
prabs said:
Mc Laren has appealed for disqualification of 3 drivers that will lead to Hamilton coming in at 7th place and the championship will be his. Probably the cheapest trick this year. But, this doesn't mean I've lost any respect for Hamilton (lost all respect for him a long time ago when he couldn't keep quiet and kept accusing a silent Alonso who had no one to back him up. It was like hitting a person with a handicap).

The decision is expected today.

I hope Kimi retains his championship :hap2: .

So keep your fingers crossed.

P.S.: May hamilton gets screwed and thrown out of Mc Laren :tongue: . That will mean the end of him in F-1. After all he said he only wants to drive a Mc Laren and no other car in F-1. This guy must have got a very long tongue which is deep inside Mc Laren Boss's ass. This doesn't mean I don't think he is talented, love his driving style but his big mouth.
Actually, I think he speaks very sensibly. He himself has made a statement that he would not want to win the championship on a technicality and that Kimi should be the champion. Maybe you are getting confused with the how Alonso speaks and how Hamilton does. Hamilton just sounds like those footballers who are one-team-for-life players.


Jan 3, 2007
Calcutta, India
Max, Ron and Norbert had spoken about the issue informally. Because of the precedent that was set in the Spygate scandal, the teams infringing the fuel temperature rule may be penalised, drivers might not be docked the points they earned at the race.

Even if that does happen, Ferrari will still reserve the right to appeal (and appeal they will, if the decision is unfavorable for Ferrari) the decision. And by showing precedence, they will be able to swing the decision. Max was quite candid in his comments on this issue and he is the president of the FIA, so I'm not even worried.

And about Hamilton, I think the fact that he's outshone most seasoned people on the grid and a double world champion does most of the talking for him. He's already come to terms with the results (he did so when he crossed the finish line) - but Norbert is pushing this more than anyone in the team. I like Hamilton's sportsman's attitude. If you've been watching F1 for sometime, it's been a long time since someone who genuinely doesn't whine and really works hard and gets such good results, has entered the sport.

After Senna's high and mighty attitude (he punched a rookie for not allowing himself to be lapped for one corner) and Schumacher's 'win-at-all-costs' (the incident at Nurburgring where he collided into Damon Hill, the time he parked his car at Monaco, once he ran Ralf off the track) approach, Hamilton and indeed Kimi are the new breed who just get into their cars and race.

Since McLaren have built Hamilton's career from the time he was 9 years old, I'm not sure he'll ever leave or be asked to leave. He has a lot of time to do to repay the debts (not monetary, I guess it's better to spell that out), and McLaren are one of the world's best racing and sportscar marques (Alongside Ferrari, Red Bull and Williams, the only two other non-mass manufacturers) in any case. I'm not sure it makes sense to leave them anyway.


Sep 24, 2005
The dichotomy of being a F1 fan- I love Kimi but i prefer McLaren to Ferrari- though they let down Mika and Kimi very badly. :(

If one speaks of racing "history", i think McLaren has way more to them than Ferrari can lay a claim to. :ashamed:


Dec 17, 2004
The dichotomy of being a F1 fan- I love Kimi but i prefer McLaren to Ferrari- though they let down Mika and Kimi very badly. :(

If one speaks of racing "history", i think McLaren has way more to them than Ferrari can lay a claim to. :ashamed:

Yea, I am sure they have Waaay more Engine failures than compared to any other team :p

But, I wouldnt deny the fact that Hamilton is a great driver and has shown excellent promise. Infact, I too read the article where Hamilton was quoted as saying that this championship now belongs to Kimi. and he would like to settle things on the track itself and not off it.

Lets see what happens.

As of now, lets all pray that the F1 track in India announced for 2010 in Greater Noida is good. I for one shall try my best to be at the first ever Indian GP :eek:hyeah:


Feb 6, 2006
The dichotomy of being a F1 fan- I love Kimi but i prefer McLaren to Ferrari- though they let down Mika and Kimi very badly. :(

If one speaks of racing "history", i think McLaren has way more to them than Ferrari can lay a claim to. :ashamed:

Wow.. I have company !!!
Although I hate what McLaren is becoming. I'd prefer them losing as in the past years than the wierd politics/other happennings of this year.


Sep 24, 2005
XTerminator said:
Yea, I am sure they have Waaay more Engine failures than compared to any other team :p
But, I wouldnt deny the fact that Hamilton is a great driver and has shown excellent promise. Infact, I too read the article where Hamilton was quoted as saying that this championship now belongs to Kimi. and he would like to settle things on the track itself and not off it.
Lets see what happens.
As of now, lets all pray that the F1 track in India announced for 2010 in Greater Noida is good. I for one shall try my best to be at the first ever Indian GP :eek:hyeah:
While Senna fans moved on to Mika and Kimi and anyone else mostly others than Schumi, most Schumi fans still wander aimlessly coz they know not what to look for. :p
Most Schumi fans were Schumi fans just coz he was winning and it was cool to be a Ferrari or Schumi fan- flaunt the red cap, tee or jacket or Ferrari stickers on a Maruti 800/Zen. :rofl:
It's like me supporting Beckham(or ManU for instance) coz that maybe the only famous/glamorous name i know in foosball. :ashamed:
(peer pressure- you are not IN if you don't watch EPL- it's a sin to say you dont like the sport or least understand it-same as for F1, you cannot say you dunno what chicane, slipstream,... are .)
Maybe Hamilton is the new Schumi for you, bum. :bleh:
Yeah- i hope to catch the second one :p - i expect the first one to be total chaos with all bureacrats and likes getting in for free, gun wielding teenagers, etc... :rofl:
Lucky you though- you have relatives there- maybe gunwielding ones or atleast some whose distant relative's, sisters son's wife's brother is someone in the ministry. :rofl:


Aug 14, 2005
Official McLaren appeal ruled inadmissible


The FIA International Court of Appeal met in London on Thursday, November 15, 2007, to examine an appeal lodged by the Motor Sports Association (MSA) on behalf of its licence-holder Vodafone McLaren Mercedes against the decision (document 41) of the Panel of the Stewards of the 2007 Brazilian Grand Prix dated 21 October 2007 and counting towards the 2007 FIA Formula One World Championship.

Following a report from the Technical Delegate indicating that the temperature of fuel pumped into the cars N°9 - Nick Heidfeld, N°10 - Robert Kubica, N°16 - Nico Rosberg and N°17 - Kazuki Nakajima, was more than 10 degrees centigrade below ambient temperature, the Stewards of the Meeting met to consider whether a penalty should be imposed. Having heard the evidence they decided not to impose a penalty as they had sufficient doubt as to both the temperature of the fuel on board the car and to the true ambient temperature.

Having heard the explanations of both parties and having examined the various documents and other evidence, the Court decided that the appeal lodged by Vodafone McLaren Mercedes is inadmissible.

The International Court of Appeal was presided over by Mr Jan Stovicek (Czech Republic), elected President, and composed of Mr John Cassidy (United States), Mr Vassilis Koussis (Greece) and Mr José Macedo e Cunha (Portugal).

The full text of the International Court of Appeal’s decision is available, on request, from the secretariat of the FIA International Court of Appeal in Paris.
Ferrari reacts to Appeal decision
Scuderia Ferrari Marlboro is completely satisfied with today's decision of the International Court of Appeal which confirms the result of the Brazilian Grand Prix, as a consequence of which Kimi Raikkonen won the Formula 1 Drivers' World Championship.

"The decision of the ICA finally brings to an end a very intense season, both on and off the track," declared Jean Todt, Ferrari CEO. "Today, a final and desperate attempt to change the result obtained on the track was rejected. Now, all our efforts are focused on preparing for next season."

McLaren reacts to Appeal decision

The FIA International Court of Appeal today rejected as inadmissible Vodafone McLaren Mercedes' appeal against the FIA Stewards' decision in respect of fuel irregularities at the 2007 Brazilian Grand Prix.

As was made very clear prior to the appeal, the team was seeking to clarify the regulatory uncertainty that has arisen from a decision of the FIA Stewards at the 2007 Brazilian Grand Prix. After the race, both Williams cars and both BMW-Sauber cars had been found by the FIA Technical Delegate, to have used fuel that had been chilled by more than the accepted margin of 10 degrees Centigrade below the ambient temperature. Despite the FIA Technical Delegate's findings, the FIA Stewards decided that it was inappropriate to impose a penalty on the Williams and BMW-Sauber cars owing to "sufficient doubt as to both temperature of fuel on board the car and also as to the true ambient temperature."

Despite the fact that the FIA's Steward, Tony Scott Andrews, accepted McLaren's appeal when it was presented to him after the race in the Interlagos paddock, the FIA International Court of Appeal has decided that the appeal was not admissible. This was despite the Stewards making the official results subject to our appeal.

Martin Whitmarsh: "In the interests of rule clarification and rule consistency we lodged our appeal. We have not yet seen the text of the FIA International Court of Appeal decision and hope that clarification is provided. It's important to stress that the FIA Stewards' inquiry at the Brazilian Grand Prix was not triggered by any action from McLaren, but by a report written and made public by the FIA Technical Delegate, which drew the FIA Stewards' attention to what we regarded as a clear regulation breach on the part of BMW-Sauber and Williams. Our appeal was merely a logical and procedural step in the process begun by the FIA Technical Delegate's written report. We hope that this fuel temperature issue does not remain unresolved in Formula 1 next year but we look forward to working with the FIA and the teams on clarifying matters to avoid a similar situation occurring again."

Lewis Hamilton: "As I have said all along, Kimi deserved to win the 2007 World Drivers' Championship, and neither I nor anyone at Vodafone McLaren Mercedes had any desire to take it off him in court. That was not the purpose of the team's appeal. I am looking forward to the 2008 season and racing Kimi, and all my other rivals, on track and hopefully be able to go one better than the second place I achieved in this year's World Drivers' Championship."


Jan 3, 2005
most Schumi fans still wander aimlessly coz they know not what to look for. :p
WOW!! u actually said that? :rofl:
Most Schumi fans were Schumi fans just coz he was winning and it was cool to be a Ferrari or Schumi fan- flaunt the red cap, tee or jacket or Ferrari stickers on a Maruti 800/Zen. :rofl:

even if half of it were true, wats wrong in it anyway? :p


Dec 17, 2004
While Senna fans moved on to Mika and Kimi and anyone else mostly others than Schumi, most Schumi fans still wander aimlessly coz they know not what to look for. :p
LMAO...actually thats incorrect. Most Schumi fans still wander aimlessly, coz they know what EXACTLY to look for :eek:hyeah: and thats whats lacked by the current drivers.

Most Schumi fans were Schumi fans just coz he was winning and it was cool to be a Ferrari or Schumi fan- flaunt the red cap, tee or jacket or Ferrari stickers on a Maruti 800/Zen. :rofl:
Absolutely incorrect. There may be a handful who do it just to flaunt the cap or the tee or the stickers on a Zen or 800...I agree its damn funny and outright stupid.

It's like me supporting Beckham(or ManU for instance) coz that maybe the only famous/glamorous name i know in foosball. :ashamed:
(peer pressure- you are not IN if you don't watch EPL- it's a sin to say you dont like the sport or least understand it-same as for F1, you cannot say you dunno what chicane, slipstream,... are .)
Most of the people who follow F1 are aware of what chicane, slipstream etc are. You cant compare F1 with football. Football isnt 1/2 as complex as F1. Well, as far as my limited knowledge about football is concerned. They are different sports, no point in comparing it.

Maybe Hamilton is the new Schumi for you, bum. :bleh:
Yea right:rofl:

Yeah- i hope to catch the second one :p - i expect the first one to be total chaos with all bureacrats and likes getting in for free, gun wielding teenagers, etc... :rofl:
Wait and watch the tickets for this sell a year in advance and the best part would be to watch the Podium finish:rofl: Indians are known for their exhibit of population at the podiums :rofl:

Oh and I forgot to mention that most of the tickets sold would be fake:rofl:


Sep 24, 2005
For those who might mistake me as anti-Schumi- nope-i am not. :)
But not pro-Schumi either. :p

But it's fun pulling XT uncle's leg. :eek:hyeah: