Laptops Laptop screen not working.

The screen of my laptop Compaq 420 is not displaying. When the laptop is started, the screen is totally black and the light is flickering. However, the laptop boots into Windows. When I connect it to external monitor, it is working fine. What could be the problem?
sees like there is a problem with your laptop lcd, if it is under warranty take it to their service center
if not in warranty, Check if you can reseat the flex cable which connects the lcd to the Motherboard, pretty simple it must either be below keyboard or near the access panel at the bottom , which fixes most of such issues, if it fixes this way, you save money, rather than spending 7-8k for a new LCD
I had the same problem with my hp laptop too..

I took it to the service centre they said the screen has to be relaced as there was a problem with the connection from hinges....

As my laptop was under warranty so got it replaced...

I say u also do the same.....
Instead of trying your luck/knowledge at home better take it to the service center, if its still under warranty
^good decision, the connector cable to the LCD screen from the mobo might be the culprit, don't worry they will fix it:)