Monitors LCD dilemma...


want to buy a 20" lcd.....went thru the threads and realised my choice boils down to

1. samsung 2033sw+
2. Benq 2020HD

Went to the comp shops and realised no one is stocking Benq..i said it is...Then did a google on the my horror found out a lot of complaints against being excessive back light bleeding...:no:

So as an alternative now im looking towards the LG 2043 which sports a similar config, but has a brighter 300 nits compared to 250 on other 20" panels

So mates what is the better choice when it comes to 20" panels???? :S
Any other model that im missing out??? Acer maybe??? (Gathered that dell service is pathetic)
Also, are 20" panels full HD??? :(

Thaks in advance.... :)
Re: LCD dilema...

you wouldn't want a 20 incher FullHD display..believe me..things will look tiny...and you wont be able to differentiate between 720p and 1080p at that resolution. anyways there are no 20incher desktop monitors i guess.

no idea about that specific LG panel but do not buy it without seeing it in action... LG lower end panels are very low quality..picture looks all washed out. so check before you buy.

Your best bet for seeing all these displays in action would be stores like croma and reliance digital....visit the nearest one and decide whichever that displays best quality.

btw, what is your budget?
Re: LCD dilema...

@@ samil...founds loads on consumercomplaint, a few blogs and some general tech sites...i`ll surely try to provide the links..the net is pathetic at my end....

@madnav....budget is arnd 7k for 20" and mite stretch it to 9k--ish for the 22/23" panels...tho im more bent towards 20" dat rules out the LED`s and ips ones i guess...unfortunately i live in a huge village type of metro where ppl think mobile=nokia nd high end gfx card=8600gt....maybe i can ask the ppl to do a side by side setup of the lg one vs the samsung......i do rem my frnds lg 19"-er that looked kinda pale.....
Re: LCD dilema...

In 9k budget you can get BenQ G2220HD@ 8.3k~ Good picture quality at lowest price. If you can go little more like 11~12k then BenQ G2420HD(Full HD) will do the job. I am using BenQ G2420HD since last 4 months with highly satisfied picture quality.
Re: LCD dilema...


@navin, I've seen many laptop screen ( 15.6" ) having 1920x1080 resolution. How's that possible ? I mean thing must look microscopic.

Re: LCD dilema...

sabby said:

@navin, I've seen many laptop screen ( 15.6" ) having 1920x1080 resolution. How's that possible ? I mean thing must look microscopic.


that's why i mentioned 'desktop' :p

it is just a selling point for laptops.

most people buy laptop with FullHD and 1GB gpu (though 9500GT) have no idea what is capability of 9500GT and how exactly FullHD content looks.

good if it is not costing much should be just enough to make a sale to an average customer.
Re: LCD dilema...

No, I understood your previous posts. I'm just asking you if you've even seen a laptop with 1080p resolution. I wonder how tiny things will look.
Re: LCD dilema...

@@@ virus ---no benq coz no one selling ....its sad......

@@madnav ----gng today to checkout the models and buy it possible...
guys any last minute pointers?????
Re: LCD dilema...

Go in for 22" Benq G2020 or Samsung 22" 2233SW+ which are priced 8.k+ and 9 k .If u need any Benq models i can ship it your location from Chennai.I bought 19" Benq LCD for my frend Raheel 5 months ago for 6650/-
Re: LCD dilema...

^^ hey thanks ganesh.....

but already bought the stuff.....

As suggested by madnav, had 2 panels (Samsung 2033sw+ & LG 2043) lined up against each oder and compared the image quality....

The Lg 2043 looked a bit washed out...but back light bleeding was less compared to the samsung 2033 sw +

The 2033 had a better color reproduction, but there is noticeable bleeding around the lower edge...

So it was a trade off between IQ and bleeding, took the plunge with samsung....

Thanks every1 for their inputs
Re: LCD dilema...

sabby said:
No, I understood your previous posts. I'm just asking you if you've even seen a laptop with 1080p resolution. I wonder how tiny things will look.

Ya..I have seen it....a laptop with 1980 x 1080. It was too too small. Practically useless.
Re: LCD dilema...

saumilsingh said:
How much did you pay for the 2033SW+?

It came to 7.2k :)

Okay one more thing...... i have the normal VGA cable supplied with it...

I need to clear the air on the following questions....

1. A single link DVI-D male will fit absolutely fine in the dual link DVI-I port in my GFx card???????

2. A single link dvi cable will suffice the resolution of 1600 X 900 and will have no disadvantage to a dual link cable at the said resolution??
Can somebody pls help me???
Thanks in advance
Re: LCD dilema...

Hi guys..

Since the OP has already bought his LCD and since the title of the thread is pertinent for me, i am posting my query here. I went to NP just a few days back to buy myself a new config. I had selected on buying a 19" Dell or Samsung, but with a 4:3 resolution only, as i am not very comfortable with the wide-screen format for normal website browsing.

I was in for a surprise. Scanned so many shops in NP, and what i found was that there was a premium on the 4:3 format (shopkeepers called it the 'square' monitors) as compared to the widescreen ones, and a hefty one!

I had done a lot of research, and had zeroed in on the particular models i wanted. But could not find them. I wanted the 19" Dell, but was getting only the 18.5" one (which incidentally was for <6k) but it has a weird resolution. The Dell 19" proper one was on offer at one shop, but for ~7.4k!

Did i miss out on something, or have widescreens taken over as the monitor shape of choice?