Learn Photoshop- Course or Online Tutorials?


It's been long time I'm planning to learn Photoshop but couldn't get the time.

Now as I started gathering info. there are 'n' numbers of institute offering the course but I shortlisted two according my convenience & fee. First preference was Arena but they do not have course only for Photoshop software.

Following are inst. with contents they teach-

NIP- http://focusnip.com.managewebsiteportal.com/course-details

pls scroll down to Digital Photo Editing (Photoshop)

Compufield- http://www.compufield.com/photoshop_course_content.html

The benefit at these two inst. is flexibility in timings. NIP conduct classes as per student's convenience & at Compufield Online Study option is available or for classroom training student's convenient time is considered. But off course doubts are there over quality of teaching.

The question is whether to learn all aspects of Photoshop, a Course is needed or Lynda, VTC, Total Training offer ample amount of stuff?

The contents mentioned in the course offered by Compufield covers everything including the contents offered by NIP as well ?? All these things can be learned online?

a kind help is appreciated
Do you ever try to watch/ experience (*cough* you know what I mean) Total Training or Lynda offering....It is more than enough for me(I also want to be a PS expert,but get hardly any time to do that). Even Total Training offer two types training of every version of Photoshop,1) Essential and other is 2) Advance....Lynda's offering is also huge.

I don't believe any Indian Institute offer that much of depth about this software. There is also Kelby training if you like to follow.

My advise is before going to any Indian institute with bucket load cash, Try to follow the above mention training material by yourself and I don't think you need to know any more stuff after you go all this learning material.
Agree with the above post. For a more organised learning a Lynda/TT course should be more than enough.

You can also follow pixel2life and good-tutorials to learn random tricks which go a long way too.
thanks borthers for the advise, I would look forward to downloading tuts.

yes I did seen the demo, its been well shot & explained in detailed

the two other sites pointed by dear admin are really good as well, never heard of them before. thanks a ton

can u pls advise from which training/course at Lynda/TT I should start learning process