Media Player suggestions


I'm looking for a networked media player, that mainly does Internet Radio, and later on when I upgrade my tv, should handle HD(1080) playback too!
Currently looking at the Xteamer.. looking for alternatives and options in and around the same price range!(max 8k, cheaper the better! :) )
Re: Medai Player suggestions

Yea..WDTV is cool...

But the only thing i wanna ask is, does the WDTV Live and WDTV V2 have the SAME firmwares and the SAME hardware?
Re: Medai Player suggestions

I was looking at a review of the WDTV live and an issue pointed out was the time taken to reach a internet radio station through the onscreen keyboard..

Since this is primarily gonna be used by my dad for music right now, I would like some thing simpler, where I can save like a few presets that he can access with minimal fuss. Would that be possible with the WDTV live?

Re: Medai Player suggestions

Inbuilt radio app may not be that good

Just flash the firmware & internet radio station should be fine.

Re: Medai Player suggestions


Which would be better, the A.C Ryan PlayOn!HD or the Xteamer? for the purpose of music?(just connected through RCA to an old Hifi system)
