CPU/Mobo Mobo RMA(or new) or PC Upgrade.Huge Dilemma


Didn't know where to post...so doing it here....

My current config is about 2 yrs old..

CPU: C2D E7400 2.8Ghz

Mobo: Asus P5KPL AM PS

RAM: 2GB Transcend

Monitor:17" CRT

GPU: 9400gt

Now my mobo is dead..no display through GPU or onboard. sys starts up but no boot...tried everything... i have being told to take it to Rashi for replacement....:( have not taken it yet.

Read a lot about Rashi...Now worried if they take 2-3 months for the replacement....

i am in a dilemma what to do...wait for the replacement,buy a new mobo or a complete sys upgrade...if i go for a new sys budget will be 45k-50k..med gaming and movies..

Guys please suggest what to do....
actually i went to the shop that sold me the sys....he checked it and then said the mobo might be dead....then he gave me rashi's address...i checked my ram on other sys which is a combo mobo... there the ram is working without any issues....

cant wait if they say i even a month.....i dont have a sys till then.....
^ dude the mobo might be faulty but first you have to rule out other things that might be causing problems. If you can post but cant boot, it suggests some hardware component is faulty. Might be the mobo or the gpu or the lan or might even be the psu or HDD. Try and rule out as many components as you can. If after that you are sure its the mobo, then send it for RMA and in the mean time start getting a new system. You can get a very good system for 40-45k. And when your mobo comes back from RMA send your entire old system.
waiting time depends on if rashi has your mobo in stock then you will get within weeks or els i have seen people waiting for months and coming to rashi again and again,it's better if you zero down on mobo for rma.
sys starts up as in i get the power light on mobo and fans are running and all..but i dont get the display on the both GPU and onboard....no beeps....so i guess it would be mobo....
anyway will go to rashi tomorrow then see what time they give....then decide what to do....
get an estimate time from rashi regarding how much time it will take for the rma process. Since your mobo is P5KPL AM PS which is a common board and the stock is usually available, rma shouldn't be an lengthy affair. if the time frame provided is too long, then sell off the remaining parts and u can look into the pc buying advice section to get a kickass configuration within 45-50k.
Talk to Rashi first and explain the situation. When i had gone last year for Motherboard RMA, i got the new board on the spot, with an upgrade to a slightly better version.
so i went there yesterday....gave the motherboard....the guy said call on monday we will let you the status of your board....no idea what next....dont want to run to rashi again and again...hoping its a peaceful process.....
Called the service centre he said it will ready tomorrow or on Wednesday...

i am going to buy a new system med range core i3 and 6850 gpu for sure...and will sell all my old components when the motherboard is back....