PC Peripherals Need new psu.



I currently have a coolermaster 600w psu. Mt computer configuration is:

AMD Phenom II 550

Biostar Mobo(forgot model, to lazy to look it up :p)

4GB DDR3 ram

No graphics card (don't plan to add one on the future)

Two hdds, one 50GB and one 1TB.

The cooling fan of my current psu doesn't work. I realized this just a few days ago and maybe I ran the entire summer like that. Thank God it didn't burst. :p I can't risk out any more. Please suggest some good models. It should be affordable though and please try to suggest more than one as the situation of PC components is very bad. You get an iPad but not the latest model of AMD CPU. And while you guys are at it, you can suggest a good UPS too.

it will run if you put some more load on it. some PSU have this feature that fan won't run on low load for more silent performance and you are using way big PSU for your current rig. by the way which model PSU are you using.?
Check about warranty on your PSU. If you need a new PSU, would recommend a Corsair VX450 if you can get one. Else the CX430 should be enough.