New camera, phone and my 3d movies collection

Just a few things I bought last week. and my Bluray3d collection.Now I have over 150 movies and tv shows in bluray. All pictures were taken by D7000 except one which I took from nexus 4.
I got the 18-105mm lens with the camera and I bought 55-300mm lens seperately. Planning to buy the 50mm f1.8 in a few months.Also got the B+W UV haze filters for both lenses.


congrats on the goodies :)
do post your impressions on the n4 though
I have had Nexus 4 for only a week now. After 4-5 charge cycles, battery has got much better.average use-30+ hrs,Very heavy use 15-20 hrs. UI is good, its very smooth, no lags.
I dont use any cover, only skinomi scratch guard for front and back. I have upgraded after using iphone 4 for almost 2 and 1/2 years. After a week, I cant look at the tiny 3.5inch screen.
thanks :)

oh and damages please :D
Camera with 18-105mm lens,16gb card-1000$
55-300mm lens 400$
UV filters-- 40$ each
Nexus 4--350$+35$ tax. Google gave free shipping as the order was delayed by 2 weeks for a lot of people who ordered on 13th Nov.
I was lucky, that my order went through that day. I have been reading on XDA forums, many people have said glass shattering easily and other problems but I havent had any problems.
awesome collection... envy you :hail:

Awesome bro nexus 4 looks stunning
do share some reviews

Congrats dude. Nexus 4 looks awesome. \m/

My bluray collection is huge now. Just yesterday I got the batman triology from Amazon.

Thanks everyone.
Edit- Actually one 3d movie is missing. I also have Tangled in 3D. A friend borrowed it.