Budget Above 25K Nexus 4 or Xperia Z?


1. Budget?
A: 25k-35K

2. Preferred Form Factor(flip, bar, slider)?
A: Bar

3. Preferred display type?
A: Aslong as it has good viewing angles and is visible under direct sunlight, I have no qualms

4. Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them.
A: NO more Samsung

5. Preferred input method (Touchscreen, QWERTY, etc.)?
A: Touchscreen

6. Camera required or not? If required, please specify type like front camera/flash/etc.
A: Required a 8MP camera. Flash.

7. Preferred operating system? (Android, Symbian, iOS, Windows Phone etc).
A: Android/WP8

8. Preferred connectivity options? (3G, Wifi, Edge etc).
A: 3G.

9. What is your intended use for this phone(internet, camera, multimedia, mails, etc)?
A: Camera, mails and internet, music, gaming. It will be my AIO Device. I have a Sansa Clip+ for music.

10. Any other requirements?
A: Na.

11. If you have already considered a phone then please mention the model.
ok guys, I am about to buy it, but have a few questions.
I can get a Nexus 4 at 26k - 16GB and Xperia Z at 34K
Now which one to prefer. Considering i Have been using Galaxy R, since a year, but it went dead exactly after warranty got over. Do you think that the Nexus 4 will be fine? Is it safe from being bricked?
Also do you think the 8K premium over Xperia Z is worth it?
Aslong as it has good viewing angles and is visible under direct sunlight, I have no qualms
I think the Xperia Z fails in this aspect. Most reviews mention poor viewing angles and washed out display. A few forum members seem to have the Z. They can answer better. Of the two, the Nexus is better for your requirements.
Why not the Lumia 920 or 820?
As long as you're viewing the xperia z display from a straight angle, it is a very good display. Most of the displays these days are over-saturated, and that's not the case here. And I love that. S3, Note and One X, and most other popular phones have a very weird colour reproduction, which is false. The Xperia Z shines here with proper colour reproduction. Plus in the 4.2 update, xperia z will receive an option will will allow users to customize the colour options, just like on any TV/Monitor.

Are the viewing angles bad? I wouldn't say they are bad, but I've seen better. Only mad men would view it from an angle, and I've been using the device for a few days now, never have I personally faced a viewing angle problem.
Bad viewing angles on a phone is actually a good thing. there are actually even screen guards that do that. I don't think this spec has much real world demerits.

Coming to your ques, if you can source a Nexus 4 from US directly then it is an excellent deal. Locally if you can afford the Xperia Z, I would say go for it.
Personally I liked the nexus 4 more than the Z, a decision influenced by the VFM of the former, apart from the specs etc
Heard the same about Z.
Z and 4 are just two sides of coin.
Same processor, and ram. So all it comes down to is Screen and Storage.
That said,i can easily max out 16GB in a day, with my videos and apps alone.
My R had 8GB internal + 32GB Card. I had only 12GB free off it, thats why right now I am leaning towards Z. What about Optimus G?
Is it worth it? Just for expandability?
Heard the same about Z.
Z and 4 are just two sides of coin.
Same processor, and ram. So all it comes down to is Screen and Storage.
That said,i can easily max out 16GB in a day, with my videos and apps alone.
My R had 8GB internal + 32GB Card. I had only 12GB free off it, thats why right now I am leaning towards Z. What about Optimus G?
Is it worth it? Just for expandability?

Same reason I went for the Z.

I have ordered a 64 GB MicroSD card as well. Can't live without storage. I have a very large FLAC music collection.

Plus Weather-proofing and Warranty. Nexus 4 is a very good device, but very fragile as well.
Same here. 14GB of Flacs - very less though.. So, i am thinking of Z. Anything under the 34K Price bracket that beats it?

Right now, nothing beats this phone in India.

Under 34k, the device which is nearly the same is the Xperia ZL, that's about it.

Trust me on this, if you can afford it, go for the device. You'll fall in love with it straight away. And try getting the White one, as the Purple and Black ones are fingerprint magnets.
xperia z has does not have a very good DAC. Are you planning to use a USB DAC with an OTG cable to listen to the FLACs? I am in the same boat, but holding back on the xperia z due to the not so good DAC.
govigov - http://www.head-fi.org/t/646707/upcoming-sony-xperia-z-dac/15#post_9228947

im using it with my heir audio 8.A's and am more then happy with the sound- i use it without an amp and whith iems,, the background is pitch black... there is no noise at all. clean , punchy sound.. very different from the warm ipod sound that people r used to.. i wouldnt call the dac a subpar one, if u read the whole thread .. there r quite a few people that prefer it to the s3/note 2 aswell :)
About DAC, I am still planning to use my Sansa Clip+ for music needs. This phone, I will use for occational listening, movies, read books, lots of browsing, FB, whatsapp.[DOUBLEPOST=1364473834][/DOUBLEPOST]What about its Battery life?
Battery life is very decent. Been using it heavily since the morning.

On screen time is 3 hours so far.


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@toxicdrift, i did see that thread, If i remember, Xperia Z uses an integrated Qualcomm DAC and not a dedicated one like the wolfson chipset used in galaxy series. on the plus side, almost all USB DACs works brilliantly with the XZ.
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its a battery saving feature guys, when ur watching a movie or photos the bravia engine 2 kicks in and the screen is just as good if not better then any other phone out there, when your not, it looks a bit dull .. not really an issue .. if browsing the home screen is how u compare two screens then i really have nothing to say..also if u use the phone for 5 minutes ur not gonna get an idea, once u start using it full on.. thats when u actually start liking the device - and i am by no means a fanboi.. my last sony phone was a w550 lol, im really glad they made a quality device after so long. .. if ur lookin in the market for a full blown android device to get right now.. the xperia Z is definately a great option