Please suggest a CRT TV below 15K



I would like to purchase a CRT TV. My budget is upto 15K.

My purpose is to watch only TV.

I don't intend to watch any movies.

Please provide your suggestions as to which will be the best one :)
Go with Sharp, local & old tv technician advised me that in arena of all Chaina assembled product, with CRT TV, sharp still giving best though sharp to china made.

I prefer 21" over 29".... go & watch live at showroom & than only decide.

For good sound I still prefer Videocon Bazooka & Oniaa 21" Black with Sub-woofer (both is old model but New with same features may be in market... go & search)
@Emperor Thanks a lot for your suggestion. I'll consider these.

What about LG or Samsung? Any recommendations for models from these brands.

I bought a basic Philips 29" CRTV for around 13,500/- two years back. Its got a neat real flat front and slim design. But sound is not that great.

Now the prices must have fallen further. Nice buy, TV looks real good with Tata Sky.

Sometimes I wonder why do we need all these high-tech Full HD LCD's with LED's just to watch normal TV. Well Games and HD Movies might be a different case.. :)
I will prefer sony ...

Bought a 21" for 13k 1.5 years back with in built subwoofer 2 front speakers & 2 tweeters...
using it with DTH & is performing very good...
if you give more preference to sound quality then sony is for u ...