CPU/Mobo Please suggest a system

Please suggest a system for my budget of Rs.8000.
My requirements

I'm upgrading my system so I require only the above two.
My preference will be Core2Duo processor and a motherboard with decent onboard graphics.
Since I'm not that rich so I can't be upgrading for atleast the next three years.
So please suggest a system that can keep up with my future requirements
and also fits my budget.
Thanks in advance.......
Since you will rely on onboard graphics, I suggest AMD solution.

AMD Athlon X2 7850BE ->3.5k

Biostar TA790GXB -> 4k

P.S. - Are you sure you don't have to upgrade your RAMs?
since u r an intel fanboy i wud suggest:
intel dual core e5200
gigabyte g31 mobo
palit 9500gt

this shud be ur best bet.
Well, as I am from Kolkata, I can say the prices here. I upgraded my rig almost 3weeks ago. then E7400 was 5250/- and P5KPL-CM was about 2.5-3k. But P5KPL-CM has G31 graphic controller which is beaten much by the AMD790G chipset onboard graphics. You said you won't upgrade in about next 2-3 yrs. Then you choice should be

AMD Phenom II X2 550BE ->5.2k

Biostar TA780GX -> 3.5k if not TA790GXB(4k) / TA790GX 128M (5k)

X2 550BE is the best processor for you. If you really can't extend you budget then buy the TA780GX otherwise TA790GX 128M is recommended as it boasts the best onboard graphics and have lot of features.

Please read this:- http://www.techenclave.com/pc-peripherals/guide-to-rig-suggestions-138633.html

Going the AMD way makes the most sense in your case, so don't buy an Intel setup just because you prefer it, since you're already on a limited budget it makes sense to get the maximum bang for the buck.

There is no difference between the Intel Dual Core and Core 2 Duo. Both are essentially the same with different names and slight differences as per Intel's marketting strategy. I don't recommend going higher than E5200 in your case, and that is IF you decide to stick to Intel(If you do, stick to the tried and tested VFM solution:- Gigabyte G31M E/S2L motherboard) for whatever reason.

Also, to answer your query about the E7400, it's about 5k or so, and not worth the 2k premium over the E5200. Besides, you can get a much better AMD CPU for the same price, so avoid it and stick to E5200 is you absolutely must go Intel.
Ok I am open to AMD systems too...

I don't understand the naming of their processor like for intel they have Pentium,Dual Core ,Core2Duo. Quad Core,icore7........based on power and more recent technology...

So could some shed light on which is more powerful like Phenom x2,x3 etc........

It would greatly help in building my system...

One other doubt is that since i need to buy a motherboard supported by AMD proc. will my older DDR2 667Mhz RAM be supported on it
They are Phenom II. basically improved phenom but they are super fast. Best price : performance there is right now.

A Biostar 780G with a Phnom IIx2 550 should cost you about 8k.
DevinWolf said:
A Biostar 780G with a Phnom IIx2 550 should cost you about 8k.

550be costs 5.4k-5.5k odd. Do u know which 780g board retails for 2.5k??

biostar 790gxb 4.5k and an athlon x2 250 3.5k
Are AMD processors a match for Intel????

Cause till a few years back AMD was a true VFM but with Intel's introduction of Core2 platform i think the balance of performance has shifted towards Intel..Isn't it????????
If ur a Intel fanboy, then get a E5200 and Gigabyte G31 S2L or a Foxconn G31MX(2.5k) + a entry level grfx card like 9500GT.

other than this, my pick will be PII 550 + Gigabyte 780 mobo.