Please suggest an ISP for Tardeo area in Mumbai.

Hello people.

I live in Mumbai and I just moved to Tardeo. I live near Sardar Pav Bhaji / Bhatia Hospital / Bombay Central.

At my old place I had an MTNL connection but that can't be brought up to my new premises because of some problem with my new building. So, I'm terminating that and getting a new connection here.

Which provider do I get? I called Just Dial yesterday and got a few numbers. 2 of them were Tikona agents; while their plans sounded decent and they were willing to come to my place at 30min notice ( :p ), I'm wary of Tikona because I've read bad things about their service on these boards. What do you people suggest?

1 number was Reliance and not only was their tariff exorbitant but I've had Reliance before and I know it doesn't work well with WiFi.

I went to the You Broadband site and filled up a request form but I doubt their coverage extends to Tardeo area. It wasn't in the dropdown category of "Areas" under city Mumbai.

Can anyone recommend any other providers? I'm a hardcore downloader and will only consider an unlimited plan without a terrible FUP (minor speed throttling after a certain limit is still tolerable). I can't spend ore than 750 a month. What about private providers like Fivenet, Pacenet etc.?

Please help!