Graphic Cards Pricing for 8800GTS/GTX


I was quoted this price for a single piece...

XFX 8800GTS 320MB - 16,500 + 4%

XFX 8800GTX 768MB - 31,500 + 4%

This seems like decent pricing for just one unit. If any of you are interested, please post here or PM me and I could approach them for a bulk order.

Standard 3-year warranty is applicable.
KiD0M4N said:
This should cost you around Rs 5.5k. Ofcourse not available from regular retailers, but your mileage may vary.
5.5k would be for 8500gt. he was asking for 8600gt.

you can get a galaxy 8600gt factory oc'ed at around 7.2k. :)
yeah right.. i had gone to lamington road only 3 days back . the cost of a 8600gt has gone to 7000 rupees but not 5500/-

Mr.kid0m4n might be talking about the OEM or the non-warranty one !