question for techies


Feb 9, 2006
hi everybody.

I have a small question(s) for techies.
If you are comfortable answering this please do, even PM's are welcome. This is to help someone(journalist) who needs to find out about:

Do you know any executive who is a little disapointed by the
system, someone who do not think these big companies like Tata, Wipro or
Infosys are so wonderful ?

Are all people working in this kind of companies really happy ?

Can they make some critics about the system of the company they are working for?

Any replies will be appreciated. Both ways, honest answers are welcome.



Dec 21, 2006
pastrykunal said:
29 views and no replies? cmon guys is it such a sensitive issue?

it may not be a sensitive issue, but the thread-viewer might not know ne such person (like myself)....btw this might lead to invasion of privacy


Mar 30, 2005
It all varies with people. Different people have different expectations from a job. In my case, I always wanted to be part of a project where something creative and challenging was being done, some place where I could put what I have learned to use. In one of these organization's that you have mentioned, I did get such an opportunity. In fact it was a wonderful start to my career, an excellent project and a wonderful team. Later on though, once I had shifted to a different department, things started going downhill. The project was monotonous (read support mostly), we had client oriented working hours, loads of corporate politics etc etc. Eventually it came to a point where I could it take it no more and had to quit to retain my sanity :)

So it all comes down to the kind of person you are and lady luck to an extent.

At the risk of sounding arrogant, I will just say that *most* of the work done in these service oriented companies are not for engineers. Its just talent laid to waste.


Feb 9, 2006
thanks for the view psynaps3. I understand that thought. In fact beeen there once myself and changed jobs, though not in the tech field.


Dec 10, 2006
psynaps3 said:
It all varies with people. Different people have different expectations from a job. In my case, I always wanted to be part of a project where something creative and challenging was being done, some place where I could put what I have learned to use. In one of these organization's that you have mentioned, I did get such an opportunity. In fact it was a wonderful start to my career, an excellent project and a wonderful team. Later on though, once I had shifted to a different department, things started going downhill. The project was monotonous (read support mostly), we had client oriented working hours, loads of corporate politics etc etc. Eventually it came to a point where I could it take it no more and had to quit to retain my sanity :)
So it all comes down to the kind of person you are and lady luck to an extent.

At the risk of sounding arrogant, I will just say that *most* of the work done in these service oriented companies are not for engineers. Its just talent laid to waste.
I agree with you completely!
I've been working for about 15 months now in sucha company and havne't learnt much. Your career gets spoiled.

I would suggest to join a smaller firm learn the basics then jump to product based companies where you can use ur grey matter. But as we know, there are millions of ppl searching for such jobs and there aren't much opportunities for such jobs. Ppl with passion and guts take the path less travelled and close to their heart, others just go with the wind.


Mar 24, 2006
Things will always be difficult in service based companies. Most projects they get are support and maintenance. But it does not apply to all people. Some are happy working in such big companies , and some are not.

My Room mate works in a Tech Call Center. He is very happy working there, coz he gets good money, he has no problems with night shifts , etc etc.

Some of my friends in TCS are not happy, coz till now ( 2 yrs ) they have not done anything concrete but still have a package of 3.6.

I myself had a chance to join Wipro Tech, as Asso. Consultant Enterprise Security, but gave it a pass coz i love my work here. Been here for about 1+ years now. And anyways my ultimate aim is MBA so i do not want to get involved with a big MNC.

All different views are subjective and depends on person to person. Most people in Infy are unhappy because of bench and comparitively lesser packages. Also since development projects are the cream, they mostly go to bigger DC's live Bangalore ( infy ), Chennai ( TCS ) etc and rest get support projects.

Also when there is work there is lots of it, leaving people with 12/14 hr days , and when there is none , then you have to go to just swipe in.


Dec 19, 2006
And anyways my ultimate aim is MBA so i do not want to get involved with a big MNC


Everything depends on the project you are in and the project lead

I am in a maintanance project, dont get to much much coding but i get to learn how bad bad planning can make things :p

pay package is negligible but then i am a 'fresher' out of college

timings are much better than for those in development projects


Mar 17, 2005
Irrespective of your line of work, or your position, there'll be times when you'll be frustrated by the work you are doing, or by your work environment, or something or the other..It's human nature to crib ! :eek:hyeah:

There are times when I am immensely satisfied with my work, mostly when I see I have added real value to an ongoing effort...

There are times when I am completely unsatisfied, mostly when I am doing mundane stuff that is the bane of middle mgmt.

So there are no easy answer to you question overall,

But there's certainly one easy answer here:

someone who do not think these big companies like Tata, Wipro or

Infosys are so wonderful ?

Almost every employee at TCS, Wipro and Infy in that order ;)

Anywya, Pastrykunal, I doubt if asking such questions on a public forum would be of much help...:p


Feb 9, 2006
right guys,

That set of responses was more than what i expected. Its good to know how people feel in their jobs, as a matter of information. In case any of you would like to give an interview or something to this foreign journalist, PM me your number.

To be honest I don't know the details of this journalist, and a business acquaintance asked me for some help. and where do you find techies if not in TE!!

I feel it takes a lot for people to be very happy and most people are happy but not most of the time, irrespective of the field you are in.

and thanks to all of you for sharing your feelings and thoughts. I appreciate that.


Mar 30, 2005
If i am not mistaken, TCS has improved a lot with their pay packages. A two year experienced person can get close to 4.8L per annum. Compare this with Infy and Wipro where they pay you a measly 3.5L per annum. Work though leaves lot to be desired [:)]

Lord Nemesis

Jun 3, 2005
nukeu666 said:
package at tcs may have gone up, but from what i heard, work still is crap

Very true, package is not everything. The quality of work is also a major aspect that counts in job satisfaction. This is also a major reason why you see a lot of jumping around in between these companies. A friend who is an M.Tech classmate with me got into TCS through campus recruitment. For the next 1.5 years all he was assigned to do was some kind of data entry work for some maintenance project. He got fed-up took a months leave and attended interviews. He got 5~6 good offers in 3 weeks time and he just resigned from there.

Personally I vowed to myself that I would never even attend the interview for a services based company big or small (especially Indian origin) and I never did and never will. What these companies truly look for is laborers who can work long hours and have enough learning skills to learn their stuff and do the work for them. They are not looking for software developers or engineers.


Dec 10, 2006
^^ egjatly. and now the market is acquiring BCA/BCOM/BSC students who are ready to work for 10- 15k a month doing this junk work.
If you wanna do something really good, join a firm where they teach you. Small companies gives you real knowledge. Big I.T firms NOTHIGN MAN seriously. 1 out of 20 guys would be blessed to get such projects.

But first 2 years, don't go after money, rather go after Knowledge! that is what you need to survive


Dec 6, 2004
All over the place!
or ofcourse start and do your own work.

It takes a bit of guts(a lot of guts correction) but you will learn more, you will learn to lose and come out the winner from loss.

And if you do things right and persevere you will end up making a lot more than what any softare job would give you.


Mar 30, 2005
Starting up your own firm at these times (in the software field) when competition is very high is not a good option. Besides, people like me who like to just live life and enjoy wouldn't want the extra burden that comes with such an endeavour.