ROM and Android experts : HTC explorer-Brilliant phone but less memory issues-Help Needed

Hi Folks,

Have bought HTC explorer about 2 months ago , and its just pleasure to use.....Doesnt Hang even with Multitasks, 3 inch Screen but I can type with my large all in all its great

The only pain in the rear is that it has only 90 mb of internal storage , which SUCKS!

The suckier part is that I got Factory shipped phone with just about 25 MB to use as it has some crap installations like NDTV cricket App ......which cant be uninstalled

So Im just able to Install Whatsapp and one other small app....other apps which require system memory are not possible and I feel handicapped

However My mails stop syncing and RSS feeds on google reader stop for no apparent reason . It is very likely it is due to lack free system mails is very imp for me.

Please tell me ways to overcome this memory problem for eg

1) Switch to a custom Rom ,if so what should be the best custom ROM ( Im absolute NOOB ) when it comes to rooting and custom Roms

2) Some other tweaking or app which can help uninstall factory installed Apps.

Friends this is very Imp , so all the help and advice that you can give is needed.


Google and you will find hell lot of modded cfws for your phone. I mod for symbian phones be it any. And its fun and the way you wanna use your phone.

Kick off that factory shit and load any good found custom rom. Its not a pain even for a noob as you just need a tool to do it. Unfortunately i m a symbian freak and so dont know anything about android but its definitely far easy than flashing a nokia.

And been an android there isnt any risk like nokia where you cannot go back to old rom once you update to later version.

refer to this

Happy flashing mate.
Google and you will find hell lot of modded cfws for your phone. I mod for symbian phones be it any. And its fun and the way you wanna use your phone. Kick off that factory shit and load any good found custom rom. Its not a pain even for a noob as you just need a tool to do it. Unfortunately i m a symbian freak and so dont know anything about android but its definitely far easy than flashing a nokia. And been an android there isnt any risk like nokia where you cannot go back to old rom once you update to later version. refer to this Happy flashing mate.

Hey that was a nice as confidence buider mate.... and thanks for replying...will check the link

But any one who guide me with specifics on the ROM I should go witth HTC exploere ....I have heard that with HTC you gotta be extra jail braking aint that easy.

Anyone who can extends some help here?
No one??

How come I see all the experts when the problem is not mine?
If you are rooted, you can uninstall system apps using titanium backup! Refer to xda forums for device specific flashing instructions!
No one??

How come I see all the experts when the problem is not mine?

Ready to help you with all the rooting and ROM installation, but as very well known that you have to take all risk on you only. Rooted and unbloated many devices till now with 100% success but still "I'm not responsible for any damage" is still there.

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