Salvatore Babones

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Apr 11, 2007

it's obvious why globalists don't like nationalist governments. Then there are these academics to deal with that spew nonsense about India. The exact opposite is the case when it comes to China where the China experts are almost mouthpieces for the CCP. That takes a lot of paid junkets to pull off. On this score, Christine Fair has said even the Paks do a better job than India. Any scholar particularly western or let's say American that wants access to govt officials is given red-carpet treatment whereas in India they would be ignored and never get an audience with the concerned govt official.

In these indices it is shown that India has less press freedom than post security law HK and the state of Indian democracy is no better than that of military junta ruled Burma.

So these indices have an agenda.

He says there is a similar BDS (Boycott, Disinvestment & Sanctions) movement springing up against India like there is for Israel. Implications are future investment and military cooperation. The latter means we stick with Russian weapons for longer. His point is you cannot expect long-term development or deeper relations unless there is more consensus abroad.

Deeper relations and investments works great so long as you do the west's bidding. In plain view in Ukraine where the west will amplify your rhetoric and turn a blind eye to any HR violations that are committed. They will literally black that out and censor their own journalists from speaking about it.

But if you stick to your guns and act sovereign then all this extortion crap comes up.

I think this country needs to address these so-called concerns while maintaining its own line.

The solution that Salvatore Babones proposes is the govt make information more easily available so facts are out there for anyone to see and verify. There are only a few motivated voices out there spreading anti-India rhetoric. They have prominence because there is no one to counter them so repeat lies long enough they become facts.

To date, govt only plays to the domestic audience. Whatever Jaishankar says goes viral in India but isn't known outside India.

See, his earlier article about his thoughts on the rankings of which V-dem the Swedish is the most important, their findings now make their way into OECD reports and the world bank about India. How wonderful !!!

Why India ranks low? because two-thirds of the respondents FROM INDIA have confused their biases against the current govt for assessments and it's obvious.

It helps that a non-Indian does this because the people who answered the survey are anonymous but if as an Indian you criticise then you are known and easily a target.
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Sep 19, 2005
Indians don't know how to run the govt. It may sound ignorant but this is what I saw from Gandhi's in Congress to the BJP'S running the country.
Now entire country is going backward because of their petty revenge politics. These chaps are only interested in filling their bank accounts and don't give a shit about anything else. The entire govt is like that. No one gets fired for not doing their jobs. No need to try anymore. Just react to outside influence.

Country will fail one day and I won't be alive to see it fortunately. I lost all faith in this country long ago. I have zero expectation from this country.


Jun 8, 2021
Why India ranks low? because two-thirds of the respondents FROM INDIA have confused their biases against the current govt for assessments and it's obvious.

It helps that a non-Indian does this because the people who answered the survey are anonymous but if as an Indian you criticise then you are known and easily a target.
That's the bare minimum citizens should say in a functioning democracy where siddique Kaplan exists. Or is he a fault of academics/nehru/west/<mod edit: please avoid religion>.

It is not in the interest of an Indian to reduce freedom to a pissing contest with China and Pakistani citizens.
"Even the Paks do a better job than India." - is she really surprised that Pakistan is regressive.

For a non Indian, far removed with no stake in it, can write any view that gets his maximum views or retweets . He was even quoted by Indian media as some sort of expert to trash v dem report.

All these reports are not accurate and are only an indication. What matters is what is being done here. No democratic government will bother to help the country unless they are held accountable. But no. we should rather make us look good in today's headline.
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Apr 11, 2007
That's the bare minimum citizens should say in a functioning democracy where siddique Kaplan exists. Or is he a fault of academics/nehru/west/.

It is not in the interest of an Indian to reduce freedom to a pissing contest with China and Pakistani citizens.
"Even the Paks do a better job than India." - is she really surprised that Pakistan is regressive.

For a non Indian, far removed with no stake in it, can write any view that gets his maximum views or retweets . He was even quoted by Indian media as some sort of expert to trash v dem report.

All these reports are not accurate and are only an indication.
Going by the indices which is what he is calling out the question is WHY are they not accurate?

vdem relies on surveys and two-thirds are from people in India.

By examining the data he discovered the mistakes and realised they were being done on purpose by those anonymous from within the country.

Because these intellectuals are fighting their battle with the govt through the rankings.

These intellectuals are afraid of democracy. They are afraid when the common man has a voice and uses it. They prefer to sit in their institutions and prescribe policy and that policy must be implemented without criticism and question. Because they know what is best for all.

India is a poor country and they want to be the authoritative source and voice. But this does not work in a country that is rapidly modernising.

GDP of this country has grown 50% within a decade.

These intellectuals have to adapt to a changing India not stick with their outdated ideas.

What matters is what is being done here. No democratic government will bother to help the country unless they are held accountable. But no. we should rather make us look good in today's headline.
What can the govt do if people from THIS country are doing this? As Salvatore says, the govt should make data available and easily accessible so such lies can be readily seen.

These intellectuals are anti-India as a group if not individually.

Salvatore has not said something unknown here. It's been known for a long time and stated by numerous commentators from the right but didn't matter.

Salvatore is not an India expert, this is his first visit to the country. He is a data expert and a comparative sociologist. He knows data and can spot problems in it.

The damage being done is real. Since these characters are not of importance anymore they are taking out their grievances on the rest of us.

vdem is not anti-indian. They do these surveys with over 150 countries. If the people of a country say so then that is what will be reported in their indices. these indices then are the basis for any area studies done about the country.

I remember a similar survey some years ago by Thompson that also relied on these anonymous surveys by 'experts' from the country to come up with their women's safety index.

It was found that a woman in India was less safe than her counterpart in Afghanistan !?!

And in terms of press freedom, journalists in India think they are worse off than their counterparts in post-security law HK !?!

These survey responses need to be audited. They are obviously incorrect. They affect the credibility of the institution publishing them and ultimately affect the reputation of the country concerned.

Put garbage in you get garbage out.
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