Something Silly I Did

Awesome ... from the cam angle, it seems like you were really close to the rocks :O

Would like to try something like this someday :D
I replayed that 5 times. :O
Shite- doesn't that get too close to the rock face towards the end? :O

Exactly what I was thinking. But if you notice, the portion of the rocks where he gets rebounded after the jump seems to be 'dug' up or something like that. If you notice on the left hand side of the video, a dug up line runs through the rocks. Is 'this' that saves one from not being clashing on the rocks? :huh:

Or the rope has some 'adjustments' for that?
Damn i really jealous now.

i have always wanted to go to Switzerland and i have always wanted to plunge as well!

but awesome man. im sure i would go crazy if i were there and jump off a few times. :D
When I saw the jump I was literally speechless... Your drop was like 4-5 secs....

I have a new goal now :p
I need to sky dive, bungee jump atleast 200m, scuba dive and do solo paragliding before I am 30
Thanks for comments guys, well the rocks many of you are asking about, the rocks actually around 20 or 25m further down. TO be honest the jump happens so fast you can't register much, its the 30 odd seconds you spend swinging around at the bottom that are more scary, hearing the taut rope and the velcro ankle straps stretching freaked me out.

And at the bottomm you are hanging upside down, you need upright yourself and hold the rope , for someone close to a hundred kilos and out of shape, performing an upside down stomach crunch was a real struggle :S