Soundmagic PL-30 review


I got bored with the sound of the Bijou 2 earphones primarily because of the boomy bass which I did not like too much. So I ordered two earphones and decided to sell the earphone I liked the least. I ordered the PL-30 with FiiO E3 from mp4nation and the Sound magic PL-12 from Focal price.

Well the Pl-30 came first so they are burned in quite nicely. The PL-12 however are still burning in and Ill write a review for them once they finish burning in.


9mm drivers

102 +/-3dB/mw sensitivity

12ohm impedance

20-22K Freq. Resp.

20mw max input/2mw rated power

Cord Length - 1m


Whoever complains that Soundmagic doesn't give any accessories with its earphones needs to be sent to an asylum ! Seriously for a budget earphone (yes 1400 bucks is STILL a budget earphone) there are lots of stuff.

- Soundmagic PL-30 earphones (duh !)

- 8 tips (6 pairs of single flange tips, 1 pair double flanged tips and 1 pair of foam tips)

- Lots of connectors

- Zipper case

- A USB battery charger.

- Cable wrap

Some pics of the accessories -

Build Quality

The earphones are made up of plastic but the wire is pretty decent. However it has two knobs to adjust the bass. (Clear bass or Deep bass) The problem is these knobs look like they can break at any time. So best not to use them at all.

These earphones are unique in the fact that you need to wear them around the ear and you are not supposed to stick them into your ear directly like the famous Creative EP-630 buds. The upside to this is that there is practically no microphonics (ruffling sound when the wire brushes your clothes) but the downside is that the seal is not very good and isolation is pretty bad as canal phones go. Comfort is decent but for some reason the earbuds do not stay in my ear and after some time I have to reinsert them again.

Sound Quality

Pathetic !!! (Before you burn them). You NEED to do at least a 20 hour burn-in. I have used these earphones with the Sansa Clip.

BASS - These are bass light earphones. The bass is clear and tight but it gets boomy in certain tracks. If you love to hear the bass over anything else, then these earphones are not for you. That said the bass is sufficient and it does not drown out the vocals and trebble. If you turn the knob (deep bass), it will cause the bass to become more noticeable and also more muddy. Not recommended for most people, but some will prefer it that way.

MIDRANGE - Very smooth and vocals sound very nice. Most earphones have a lower mid range hump which makes the bass sound bloated and boomy but the PL-30 is not one of them. The midrange is actually better than the Bijou 2 earphones but that should not be surprising given that the mids were a bit recessed in the Bijous.

TREBBLE - The trebble is clear, detailed and has sparkle. Most earphones have a rolled off trebble but I believe the PL-30 is not one of them. The trebble however never gets too sharp so as to hurt your ears.

SOUNDSTAGE - Wow ! These earphones have a wider sound stage than even the more expensive Bijou 2 earphones ! The soundstage makes you feel that the music is coming to you from all sides and makes certain tracks a real treat to listen to since you can concentrate on all the different instruments playing with ease.


The strong points of this earphone is the trebble and the midrange with bass being the slight weakpoint (its not bad but bass heads will be disappointed).

For the price - $26 with the E3 amp is a good deal. If you wish to save yourself the hassles of shipping them back in case of warranty issues, you can buy them from

I like these earphones as they suit my tastes in Music and they dont have the bloated bass that I hate. I prefer them over my (now deceased) Bijou 2 earphones. To the Bijous credit, they have better build quality and are slightly more detailed. But I am happy with the PL-30s though I am even happier with the $12 PL-12s !!!

The PL-12 review will be coming up shortly. :eek:hyeah:
nice and to the point review :) even i really used to love my PL-30 ..they were just too good for the price.

but then i had to let go..cause i am getting something even better :D.

ive written a detailed PL-30/Fiio E3 review too ,but it's an entry for the TE celebration contest ...should be available for viewing after the contest period is over , i guess.


ImageShack - Image Hosting :: connectors.jpg

you sure you got all these accessories with the PL-30 ?

i didnt get any of these converters/connectors ..and they are not even mentioned on the box contents/manual .
FaH33m said:
nice and to the point review :) even i really used to love my PL-30 ..they were just too good for the price.
but then i had to let go..cause i am getting something even better :D.

ive written a detailed PL-30/Fiio E3 review too ,but it's an entry for the TE celebration contest ...should be available for viewing after the contest period is over , i guess.
ImageShack - Image Hosting :: connectors.jpg

you sure you got all these accessories with the PL-30 ?
i didnt get any of these converters/connectors ..and they are not even mentioned on the box contents/manual .

I didn't get the accessories or the battery charger either. I got scammed. :no:
Am using them too currently. Agree with you completely.
As far as the bass is concerned they aren't too boomy - but thats a good thing. My previous in-ear phones were philips. Bought em for Rs800: Totally made for bass junkies, after an hour of listening through them I would have wobbly head.

And yeah I am having some problems too keeping them in my ear. Have to refit them after every couple of songs. Vocals sound quality is much appreciable.

Btw sorry for my ignorance what's the purpose of that foam thing with those grooves at each end - what is that called.
Thanks guys ! Hmm surprising that no one received all the extra stuff. I believe that they gave the battery charger in lieu of the FiiO E3 coz I have not seen this charger in any of the Pl-30 reviews online. I believe it is used to charge your mp3 player though I have never tried it. Perhaps I should try it to see if it works.

@Aphro - That would be the cable wrap. If you wish to put your mp3 player into your shirt pocket, it makes sense to wrap the cable using the cable wrap to ensure the wire doesn't dangle.

@Faheem - Good to hear you finished the review. And that reminds me that I need to give you my Crossroads Pro amp. :ashamed:

Ill call you once I get my bike to office. :)
Yikes ! I am no expert ! The experts here are Vandal, Chaos and Sangram (aka cranky) for audio stuff.

The Pl-12 review will be up in a few days. There are lots of different Soundmagic earphones - PL-11, PL-18, PL-20. Wish I could review them all :!
how long will it take the pl30s to reach India from mp4nation? Just curious, still in a dilemma, whether to order from mediahome or from mp4nation (for the e3 amp:D ). Your inputs will help in my decision.

Thanks and nice review.
Hello. I would like to know about the bass in these IEMs. Could you please give a comparison between the PL-30 and Creative's EP-630..Also ,have you by any chance used the walman IEMs that come with Sony Ericsson's walkman mobile phones, such as the W810i or W910i..I think their model is HPM-82. The bass is like having a subwoofer inside your head
Well you are in luck since I tried all three.

Ill give you a short review of each.

1. EP-630 - One of the most overrated earphones I have ever heard.

Bass - Muddy and overemphasized.

Mids - Gets drowned out by the bloated bass and cannot be heard properly.

Highs - Passable and nothing great.

Summary - These sound good if -

1. You love three things - 1. Bass 2. Bass and 3. Bass.

2. You dont listen to music with a lot of vocals.

3. You dont want to spend more than 700 bucks.

2. HP-82

Bass - Muddy (no detail) but not as bloated as the EP-630 and I liked the bass better.

Mids - A bit covered by the bass and not very clear. But still better than the EP-630

Highs - Rolled off and harsh at times (so you get tired if you listen to these earphones for a long time)

Summary -

A bit more balanced than the Ep-630 ( By balanced I mean the bass is less bloated). However I found it difficult to fit them properly in my ears no matter what tips I tried.

Summary -

Soundmagic PL-30 (Nice fun sounding earphones)

Bass - Slightly boomy but not very prominent. (i.e. avoid if you are a bass head)

Mids - Lovely and smooth sounding and a bit warm.

Highs - One of the best trebble in a budget IEM. Has sparkle and is not harsh.

Summary - A very nice sounding earphone with a lovely soundstage (Get this earphone to understand what soundstage is. All the EP-630 users have no idea what is soundstage.) that you can listen to for hours.

Hope this helps.