Still the iPhone craze is ON....

Hmm.. what the world has come to. World is growing more and more materialistic - caring more for the gadgets than the important people in your life. So sad state of affairs.
As usual, even in this case, it shows that parents are sensible people and not idiots, by not getting their children an iCrap device.
Why do 8-14 yr olds need a cellphone in first place...

People have been raising their kids right without phones, just fine..!
vivek.krishnan said:
As usual, even in this case, it shows that parents are sensible people and not idiots, by not getting their children an iCrap device.

You have been brought up really nice by naming other parents who buy apple devices for their children as "idiots".
vantheman5211 said:
You have been brought up really nice by naming other parents who buy apple devices for their children as "idiots".

Well, unless you are swimming in money, getting a 16 yo a mobile that costs as much as a laptop, but will be outdated in just 2yrs is not really the most sensible decision. But its their money and they can spend it as they want
mehrotra.akash said:
Well, unless you are swimming in money, getting a 16 yo a mobile that costs as much as a laptop, but will be outdated in just 2yrs is not really the most sensible decision. But its their money and they can spend it as they want

People with high disposible income buy niche products.thats how the world moves.

The guy who i replied made a hypocratical ass of himself
vantheman5211 said:
You have been brought up really nice by naming other parents who buy apple devices for their children as "idiots".
vantheman5211 said:
People with high disposible income buy niche products.thats how the world moves.

The guy who i replied made a hypocratical ass of himself

^^ I know EXACTLY why kauzy likes both these posts... :lol:

vantheman5211 said:
You have been brought up really nice by naming other parents who buy apple devices for their children as "idiots".

^^ BTW, he said that "... parents are sensible people and not idiots... " which in fact means that he thinks that the parents are sensible. :p

No logical interpretation of that sentence can mean that parents who buy iphones for their kids are idiots!

It is like saying "humans can speak and are not monkeys" and then you interpret it as "humans who cannot speak are monkeys"!!! That interpretation is EPIC lame! :bleh:
The world especially the western part is becoming more materialistic. I was yesterday at a shopping mall and i saw a mother with her 3 children. All the three boys had their own iPod touches and all were just playing games on them. They all had dug their heads on their touches.

Another very prominent thing i see here in US is small children having the Nintendo 3DS and playing it everywhere, be it malls, in car, on road etc etc. :|
mehrotra.akash said:
Well, unless you are swimming in money, getting a 16 yo a mobile that costs as much as a laptop, but will be outdated in just 2yrs is not really the most sensible decision. But its their money and they can spend it as they want

You do realize that most laptops are outdated in less than a year due to the new processor and GPU families.

I agree with the last part.

Whoever earns the money can decide on their own how to spend it. It being sensible to the other person or not, all that does not matter because its not the other person's money.

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People are not looking at the sensibility of buying the product, its only about the want for something.

This habit starts from a young age mind you. When you are very small its about what you want to eat, then it moves on from there to toys, games, phones, cars, etc as you get older.

As soon as a family crosses the point when they earn more than they need and have surplus after the annual expenditures and savings, nothing more can be expected.

Its human nature. To say that if you don't buy a product then you are sensible, but if you do then you are crazy is pathetic to say the least and you have deeper issues you should be dealing with than pointing fingers.

So if you have excess money then you have the god given right to splurge, even if that means burning the money (literally) or giving it to charity or gamble or buy something, its all your choice.