Budget 15-20K Stock Android phone for 15K to 16K


Aug 26, 2011
Looking for a Stock Android phone for around 15K to 16K as I had lost my Motorola Fusion plus phone recently.

1. Budget?
A: INR 15K - 16K

2. Preferred display size, type and resolution?
A: IPS LCD/AMOLED, FHD and above

3. Preferred operating system? (Android (with version), iOS, Windows Phone etc).
A: Android

4. Preferred connectivity options? (4G, 3G, 2G etc).
A: 4G

5. Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them.
A: Not looking for Xiaomi phones as had some bad experience with them earlier

6. What is your intended use for this phone (internet, camera, multimedia, mails etc.)?
A: Not particular about camera and needs to be good in voice clarity for incoming and outgoing calls

7. Single SIM/ Dual SIM?
A: Dual Sim

8. New or Used? Online or Offline?
A: New. Don’t mind buying online

9. Any other requirements?
A: Need good battery backup, a separate microSD card slot

10. If you have already considered a phone, then please mention the model
A: Not considered anything yet

Kaleen Bhaiya

Nov 15, 2009
G60 is good provided you can manage that excessive weight. It's around 225gms and the palms start aching if you use for a long time.
Other than Moto, the only brand offering stock is Nokia.
Nokia G20 comes to mind but hardware wise, it's pretty outdated!