Audio Suggest 10-inch Subwoofer 8-ohm impedance

I had blown out my Z5500 subs, now need to replace it with another sub :D :D

plz suggest me best sub 10-inch 8-ohm (200 RMS ~~ ) to buy in INDIA only.
How can it be blown? doesn't it has inbuilt fuse? also is the amp okey?
meanwhile any idea where I can get replacement motherboard for z906?
@AMG @max_demon

this is what exactly happened to the sub :(, i generally pump out my both set in full vol in parallel (z5500+ audioengine a5+ + s8 ) :p

try searching for car sub woofers like jbl. I like jbl's bass as it is usually very tight.

Since you already opened the sub woofer. make sure that you seal it air tight after the repair.