The ideal domain+webhost combo?

So my free hosting account expired recently and I'm looking to buy a domain and hosting account.

Here are my specific requirements:

*Need a .com domain

*Disk Space: 20-100MB
*Traffic: Under 1GB
*FTP Support
*Atleast 2 sub-domains
*1 email account, POP3
*Good set of options in Cpanel
*Reliable Servers/Backups

If possible:
Frontpage Extensions support
Perl/CGI Scripts support
ASP/PHP support

Budget: Less than Rs.1500/yr (Domain + Hosting)
Payment method: PayPal Only

As you can see, I'm looking for a basic domain+webhost setup. Open to other suggestions.
Preferably a hosting account with a free domain name or I'm open to purchasing both separately.

Purchase both separately. You can register the domain at godaddy or namecheap or for as little as less than 10$ - roughly 500 rs.
Get a hosting account at outpowerhosting for less than 600 rs. Change the nameservers from your domain's control panel to the one your webhost gives. You are all set for your new site.
Thanks mate!


*Registered the domain at, for $8.81. :eek:hyeah:

*Not able to sign up at outpowerhosting. any other recommendations?

* OK, linked it to a 'free' account at for the time being. :)
byethost... using it since past 2 years and great uptime as well as support. Go for the $2.99/month plan :)

Or subscribe through my affiliate link to fatcow for one year plan and I will pay you back your complete fees :D PLUS you get the domain free! :p
Byethost with out a thought.. Their support is awesome..

Try it and upgrade when u run out of its free quota..

They have their own panel and it does everything you'd want..

Ping me if u need any help, i had registered there some time ago, though dormant now..
Hey TTM,

Domain with or @399/-

Hosting with: (No.1) (No.2) (No.3)

All above are tested & safe to deal with.

go for hostgator they'll atleast provide u cpanel interface

and secondly you can use coupons (check retailmot) ...they're services are oversell and clustered but as their servers in theplanet n other better DC's so I will recommend it when you don't wanna spend more than 5-10$ a month.
Emperor said:
Hey TTM,

Domain with or @399/-

Hosting with: (No.1) (No.2) (No.3)

All above are tested & safe to deal with.

I second Have been with them for more than 2 years for various sites and their support has been good and prompt.. Rajesh is too good a person and has been forthcoming with various freebies and relaxation of limits out of his way even without asking..Especially once when my site was being digged/lifehack'ed simultaneously to death, he pulled it through even though i was way above my limits..

coolraghav said:
go for hostgator they'll atleast provide u cpanel interface
and secondly you can use coupons (check retailmot) ...they're services are oversell and clustered but as their servers in theplanet n other better DC's so I will recommend it when you don't wanna spend more than 5-10$ a month.
I would suggest not to go for hostgator because:
1. They also allow porn sites on their servers which can cause your sites to be grouped with the same by content filtering engines (or worse search engines)
2. They take over your 404 pages and serve their ads on it if you are not too careful..