The saga of download stuff & storage


from ages of dial up connection to broadband connection with FUP , we always download stuff for various reasons be it applications , OS or films, Tv etc.

during dial up days , it was very simple & that u have speedy connection & u download in MB & store in flopy , even after that CD came , then DvD .

ISP increased speed & so increased the size of downloads , increasing volume of storage capacity find.

We have now 2 to 4 TB hdd to store . But films , Tv shows gets release in sequels / seasons .

my question is what do you guys do with such downloaded stuff & how do you store them ?
lets assume that u bought 2 TB hdd & filled it within 3-4 months , what do you do after that ?
1) buy new hdd ?
2) watch all stuff & delete & make space for other stuff ?
3) burn on DVDs or expensive blue rays & make space ?

I personally burned lots of Dvds / cds for such stuff as backup , thinking that in future this stuff want to awailable to download & will watch it in my free time . But , all stuff gets re-release in newer format with new bigger size .

Mod Edit: Please avoid discussion about rips
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i download a lot but seriously i never have time to watch everything. i hoard in a foolish fantasy that one day ill just lay back and enjoy all that i have downloaded. and dude to actually finish 2tb worth of stuff ,you need atleast 1-2 years even if u are a voracious watcher.
Streaming Baby :jimlad:
Although have to download few things that I want to enjoy in big screen TV with home theatre setup..
but with Popcorn time, I think downloading would soon be a thing of past.
The Future is to store everything in the cloud. Have been doing for music already. & As there are reasonably priced subscription models for movies and TV piracy would also be decreased. I know a lot of people who just pirate for the sake of convenience and not to save $$$. Almost all the BluRays I have I had downloaded and watched those movies before. If I haven't watched before I wouldn't have purchased those blurays :p
i download a lot but seriously i never have time to watch everything. i hoard in a foolish fantasy that one day ill just lay back and enjoy all that i have downloaded. and dude to actually finish 2tb worth of stuff ,you need atleast 1-2 years even if u are a voracious watcher.


I have, on my puny 500 GB HDD, more stuff than I can imagine myself watching in the next one year.

Hence I'm off downloads.
Now I'm thinking the only way to stop this lunacy of mine is to get a Macbook Air 128GB.

No space = no hoarding.
I don't even know how people download so much stuff. My one and single download account shows 822GB over last 3 yrs. Most of the times, I stream the TV shows. Its not until I really like it that I end up downloading it.
I just watch and delete stuff.
Used to be the go-to guy for games-shows-movies until i gave away all my dvd's and sold all my hdd's a few years back.
Running a single 120gb ssd in my system since then, life is too short to watch the same things twice plus no more hassle of filling up other ppl's drives :p
I do have an external 500 gb drive thg with backed up music and setups but even that has 75% free space.
I do hoard a lot but I do also watch a lot...Average of around 3 hours to 4 hours of watching everyday and 6 hours in the weeekends.
The issue with Streaming is u don't get great quality (I am talking about 1200 KBPS for movies (HD) with DTS sound and subs and for series Bluray rips with subs).

I usually store 1080p's (10-30GB per movie) and also re-download if the colllectors edition/ uncut version is out.
As of now - I have around **TB of stuff with around **TB in Harddrives (don't want to give the numbers)[DOUBLEPOST=1407063344][/DOUBLEPOST]Have around 8 external powered USB drives drives with nothing smaller than 3TB. and 5 portable 2.5" drives all of which are 2TB
I do hoard a lot but I do also watch a lot...Average of around 3 hours to 4 hours of watching everyday and 6 hours in the weeekends.
The issue with Streaming is u don't get great quality (I am talking about 1200 KBPS for movies (HD) with DTS sound and subs and for series Bluray rips with subs).

I usually store 1080p's (10-30GB per movie) and also re-download if the colllectors edition/ uncut version is out.
As of now - I have around **TB of stuff with around **TB in Harddrives (don't want to give the numbers)[DOUBLEPOST=1407063344][/DOUBLEPOST]Have around 8 external powered USB drives drives with nothing smaller than 3TB. and 5 portable 2.5" drives all of which are 2TB

I wanna do fraandship with you
So now my storage is at critical levels, with only 60 GB left, and this calls for some drastic measures.
Well. I seem to take a 360 on this now. I lost count of the TB's I have. It was around 40 TB when I was leaving India. Here I have around 12TB. Nowadays only 2.5" portable ones. :D. Even got the super expensive 4TB seagate portables.

But after getting Netflix. I dunno. I dont feel if its worth it. Lately I seem to shift to ONLY HD items. Nothing else. TV, Movies and pron. In that order. :D

And even for downloads. I download now to my seedbox and then FTP to my machine. Better speeds.

But still streaming is better. But not that much content in Netflix for me. :(.

Thinking of setting up media stream for my rutorrent so that I can stream directly from my seedbox.
Used to download a lot of music, had a collection of around 200+ bands. Used to listen hit numbers and Hardly listened to 30% bands complete discography.
Similarly had HD collection of 12 Sitcoms and 350+ movies, but never completed. One fine day hdd crashes, from then stopped piling up.
One at a time from that day.
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Got over my storing shitty habit last year. Was buying ext hdd's, got many friends into this mess aswell lol. Sold my HDD. Many friends still have theirs.

Now, I only have my laptop with it's 750gb of storage. I download my regular stuff , watch it and keep it. When I see my partition going up, I start deleting old and useless stuff and keep the new, and so on.

I am also trying to recover from this endless waste of money. :(. But still online streaming has to catch up. :(

Naah. Just have your laptop/mobile/tab. Get the stuff in. Keep watching whenever u get time and when u see old content and see the storage filling in, delete few :) easy.

Online streaming has nothing to do with this and even if we finally get something close to netflix here, the rates of downloads here are so high on 3G anyways. Broadband? sure 512kbps speed rocks LOL. I wonder if BJP will try to convince TRIA to get the speeds to 2mbps. BJP did give guarantees of this on their last elections (2009? I guess). Not sure about now.

Btw, sell your HDD's. Keep the local one's. Try to get a life, even if it sucks :p Even if your life is shitty, you atleast are living it.
Actually I already made plans for selling of my HDD's once I am home. No way I can carry them around. Will be selling them for sure. :D
This is what my 2 TB storage looks like. For some reason, I still have some unformatted space on newer drive.


And I'm still paranoid about losing my data someday and not being able to do anything about it. Backups are costly :(